Surprise Visit

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Kana spent all her time training, picking out a few books to read to help her and asking Kaneki for help whenever he was around.

She hadn't run into Sasuke, as he was out of the village, Sakura spent all her time at the hospital recently, and Naruto was being dragged around by his new sensei. Haku spent some time with Azumi, but mainly spent his time training on his own or reading.

Gray wandered over to Kana's side, bumping her leg to get her attention.

"You're spacing out, what's up?" He asked, staring up at her.

Kana ran her hand along his flank, smiling at him softly. "I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"About Amegakure I'm assuming." Yuki interrupted, sighing as she stalked closer.

"Yeah, I miss everyone." Kana replied.

"I'm sure they miss you too." Gray said.

Kana nodded silently, gazing into the forest that laid before them; leaves shimmering in the daylight.

Yuki's snout shot up, her blue eyes sparkling as her head whipped around to face her summoner.

"Hime, do you smell that?" Yuki asked.

Kana opened her mouth to disapprove of the suffix, but a scent struck her nose. Without a warning, she ran, her summons close behind her as she sprinted into the woods. A grin stretched across her face the whole time.

She skids to a stop before the two figures, clasping her hands together behind her back to stop herself from attacking them with a hug.

"Konan-nee! Pein-sama!" She chirped, bowing her head at Pein. "Why are you two here?"

"I'd like to talk about your mission with you, and then possibly speak to the Hokage." Pein replied. "Having to wait for Zetsu to report to me all the time gets troublesome after a while."

"How long will you both be staying?" Kana asked.

"We might stay until the Chunin Exams are over, we would like to see your match." Konan replied with a smile.

Kana's heart skipped a beat and she grinned in excitement, nodding her head.

"I'll do my best!" She chirped.

Pein nodded, his ringed eyes staring down at her.

"I'm sure you will." Konan chuckled.


"Pein-sama!" Tsubaki exclaimed in surprise, bowing her head when he walked into the hotel room.

"Have all three of them made it to the finals?" Pein asked, his ringed eyes staring straight at the woman.

"Yes, they all passed and made it to the finals." Tsubaki nodded. "The three of them did exceptionally well in all parts of the exams."

"Good, then I expect at least one of them to win the tournament," Pein said, looking around the room. "Where are Haku and Azumi?"

"Ah, they are both out, training I think." Tsubaki answered.

"Have them back here by no later than noon, I would like to speak with them." He ordered.

"We'll be off then, Kana, come along." Konan said, feeling a little left out of the conversation.

Kana went to the woman's side as she was ordered and walked beside her, following them out of the hotel they were staying at.

"You said that there was another one here, someone like you." Pein said, his voice just loud enough for Kana and Konan to hear.

"Well, he wasn't like this until he was injured, in order to save his life Orochimaru performed an operation on him using some of Kaneki's internal organs," Kana explained. "He is still adjusting to a lifestyle like mine."

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