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Hopes; crushed

Naruto; crushed

Hotel; Trivago

Sorry not sorry.


For a moment the clearing was silent, but the silence was soon interrupted by the vile sound of Orochimaru laughing.

"How brave!" He cackled. "Truly commendable!"

Kana slowly, ever so slowly, walked over to the huge fallen branch, and more importantly, Naruto. She dropped to her knees.

"Naruto?" She croaked.

His one visible eye drifted over to her, but was glazed over, as if he couldn't actually see her. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he said nothing.

Sakura screamed, a shrill and horrified scream. She pounded a fist into Naruto's chest.

"You idiot!" She wailed, choking on her sobs. "Why'd you go and do that?! You! You...!"

She broke into uncontrollable tears, muttering things no one could make out. Sasuke was silent, staring at his downed teammate with an unreadable expression. If he hadn't already experienced tremendous loss he would probably be freaking out. Instead, he knelt at his friends side and went still.

Azumi seemed like the first one to snap out of her daze, she shoved Sasuke over and brought a hand to his neck.

"What a-are you doing?" Kana asked.

"Checking his vitals," She replied. "I'm no medic nin, but I know the basics."

She counted in her head as she took his pulse, holding her breath to stay still. It didn't take a medic nin to see that he wasn't doing good. Half his body had been crushed under the tree branch, he had most likely fractured his ribs on that side and who knew how much internal bleeding was going on. Then there were also his organs, which were probably crushed, pinned closed by the tree branch. There was so much damage and so little hope.

"He has a pulse, but it's so slow and so weak." Azumi sighed. "We shouldn't move him either or he could bleed out depending on how his ribs may have broken."

Orochimaru cackled again. "I could help him, but for a price."

"A-are you a doctor?" Sakura asked between sobs.

"Something like that." He agreed, waving off her question.

"What is the price?" Kana asked.

"Well for one, I need someone with regenerative abilities to transplant his organs." He grinned, knowing he had won their interest. "And I also would like to give Sasuke a small gift."

"I can give him parts of my organs, but he will never be the same." Kaneki said. "If he were to change, would he still lead a happy life?"

"Of course," Sakura said. "We would love him anyway."

"Would you really?" Kana cut in, knowing where this was going. "Kaneki and I aren't completely human, giving him organs would make him like us."

Kana's chocolate brown left eye changed to glaring red, the whites turning soulless black. Kaneki's left eye matched Kana's.

"At least once a month we consume human flesh to survive," Kaneki admitted. "In return, we gain the ability to regenerate, we can make weapons called kagune, and our skin is much harder than a humans, meaning swords and kunai cannot injure us."

"So Naruto would be like that?" Sasuke asked.

Kaneki nodded.

"And we couldn't give him our organs instead?" Haku asked.

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