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It was the night before her next mission, and Kana was up, packing and training. Pein had warned her that the man they were going to get wasn't as nice as Kisame, and is very dangerous.

Why he was taking her along on this mission was something she'd never understand.

Kana grumbled out words as the kunai clattered to the ground, the weak string that was holding it gave out. Her training was getting somewhere, but slowly.

She could maintain a string that is about a foot long, but anymore than that and the string would vanish. Sasori gave her as much help as he could, encouraging her to also try water walking when she was out on her mission.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door and she stood up. She opened the door and looked up to see Deidara standing there.

"Kana!" He exclaimed, giving her a hug.

"Deidara-senpai?" Kana mumbled. "What are you doing here?"

"I just checking up on you," Deidara replied, his stare going hard. "And I've found that you aren't asleep."

"Sorry, but I'm busy training." Kana replied, attaching another string to her kunai.

"But you leave tomorrow, you need your sleep." Deidara huffed.

"Fine, I'll go to sleep soon." Kana yawned.

"Goodnight, Kana." Deidara smiled.

He quietly left the room, shutting the door softly after him. Kana focused back on the kunai and string. She put a bit more chakra into the string as she pulled further and further away. The string was now over a foot and a half long, still connected to the kunai, which looked to be floating. She swung the kunai back and forth like a pendulum, smiling at her progress. She suddenly yawned, and the kunai clattered to the ground.

"Maybe I should sleep." Kana hummed to herself.

She took off her T-shirt and pants and slipped on her red pajamas, she sat on her bed and took off her sandals. She snuggled into the sheets, and shut her eyes.


Kana woke early the next morning, feeling rested and ready for action, or training at least. She was excited for her second mission, although slightly nervous about spending a week alone with Pein. He seemed nice enough, but was nothing like the other Akatsuki members. Only Zetsu scared her more, although Pein was a close second. You never could tell what they were thinking.

"Kana!" Kisame sang from the other side of the door. "Time to get up!"

"I am up!" Kana replied, throwing off the blankets and swinging her feet over.

"Leader-sama wanted me to tell you that he will meet you at the entrance in about half an hour!" Kisame said.

The sounds of footsteps faded into the distance until it could no longer be heard. Kana yawned as she pulled herself up and out of bed, stretching her arms as she made her way to her open closet and wardrobe.

She pulled her battle kimono from her closet and took off her pajamas, setting them on her bed and slipping on hee clothes. She strapped her kunai pouch to her waist and slipped on her sandals, then grabbing her hairbrush. She combed through her white hair, which was now a little longer than before, still below her shoulder blades. She combed her hair into a pony tail and tied it up with red ribbon, whipping her hair around once before leaving her room.

She padded silently down the hall, towards the kitchen, where she smelled something awful being made. She peeked into the kitchen and caught sight of Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, and Konan eating and preparing food. She didnt care to find out what was being made.

Little Monster [An alternate storyline]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon