First Kills

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Naruto had never been more thankful for his shinobi training in his life. It was times like these where that stuff came in handy, especially when you're a sobbing, blood soaked, wreck.

He snuck from alley to alley, picking out a scent similar to his own and following it in hopes that he could find Kana, or that older boy she was always with. Kaneki, was his name.

Naruto dropped into another alley for a moment, surveying his surroundings. A cat that seemed familiar rummaged through a dumpster beside him, creating plenty of noise. His sensitive ears picking up on the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards him, and he quickly climbed to the rooftops to hide. They entered the alley, yelling at the cat.

"We have you now Tora!" A familiar voice yelled.

Naruto peeked over the edge of building, spotting Konohamaru and his ragtag team. No, they weren't official genin, but they wanted to be, so they often gave themselves missions. This also explained why the cat seemed familiar, it was the demon cat Tora.

Naruto quickly continued on his way, following the scent trail. Eventually he ended up at a small hotel, and from the outside he managed to trace the scent to a small frosted glass window. The sound of running water came from the room, making Naruto figure it was a bathroom. He knocked on the window, waiting for a few minutes as he heard the water shut off and shuffling inside.

Kana slid the window open, a towled draped around her and her white hair dripping wet.

"What the hell dude?" Kana said in both concern and irritation.

"I-I need to talk to you." Naruto replied, climbing into the bathroom.

Kana inhaled sharply, taking in his bloody appearance.

"You look like you just killed someone." Kana said.

Naruto sniffled, his eyes watering.

"Oh crap!" She exclaimed. "Was I right?!"

Naruto nodded, sniffling and wiping his nose on his bloody sleeves, causing the blood to spread around his face.

Kana pat his back, pushing him toward the shower. "Go take a shower, I'll see if I can steal- I mean borrow some of Haku's clothes until I can get the blood out of yours."

Naruto nodded.

"Take your time," Kana smiled. "In the mean time though, I need to get dressed. Having a conversation in a towel is kind of awkward."

Naruto chuckled a little. Kana shut the door with a soft click after she left and headed over to her bag to pull out some clean clothes.


Clothed in a sports bra and white shorts, Kana dug through Haku's stuff. She shoved aside all his fancy looking clothes and pulled out a white tank top and black pants with an adjustable waistband. She set them aside and put away the rest of Haku's things.

Gathering up the borrowed clothes, she headed back to the bathroom, knocking twice and announcing her arrival before walking in.

"I'll set the clothes on the counter for you," Kana said. "I'm going to take your clothes and start stain treating them."

"Ok," Naruto replied from behind the shower curtain. "Thanks."

"No problem." Kana replied with a relaxed shrug.

She left with Naruto's bloody jacket and pants, taking them to the kitchen.  Kana filled the sink with cold water, plugging the drain to keep the water in. She scrubbed with cold water until no more blood came out. When that failed, she pulled out her secret weapon.

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