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Rubbing her finger along her mug, Kana awkwardly sat across from Naruto, thinking of how to bring up the topic of leaving Konoha.

Naruto slurped his iced coffee, smiling cheerfully, completely oblivious to Kana's internal struggle. He glanced up at Kana, watching as her eyebrows bunched together and her shoulders hunched forward.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Naruto asked curiously.

Kana sighed, bringing her eyes up to meet his gaze.

"Naruto, how have you adjusted?" She asked, slowly taking a sip of her drink.

"I've been doing fine since you helped me out," Naruto replied. "Thanks for that by the way."

"It's no problem," Kana brushed his thanks off. "But have you talked to your friends or teammates lately?"

"Well... No." Naruto paused. "I haven't seen Sakura in about a week and Sasuke is out of the village. I've been busy training and haven't had time to talk to my friends."

"You know that's a lie, Naruto," Kana said, making the boy flinch. "You've had free time, but you haven't reached out to them, why? Is it because you're scared of how they'll see you? Scared that they'll hate you once they know that you eat hu-"

"STOP IT!" He roared, everyone in the small coffee shop turning to look at him.

"Why? Is it because I'm right?" Kana pushed, watching as anger boiled to the surface.

"What do you want?" He seethed, glaring at her, his eye flashing between blue, black and red.

"I want to offer you a chance to come home with me, to Amegakure." She replied, calmly sipping her drink.

"Why would I? This is my home." Naruto growled.

"No one here understands you, understands us, Amegakure has people just like you and me, it is a place everyone and anyone can call home." She explained, a fond look on her face.

"I can't just abandon my village!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I never said that you would abandon your village, you would just transfer villages, and of course you would be allowed to visit Konohagakure." Kana further explained.

"I can't do-"

"Don't decide now," Kana interrupted. "You have until the tournament to decide."

Kana placed down a handful of money and stood up.

"I'll see you around Naruto, think about what I said." She said.

As the door shut behind her, Naruto's glass shattered in his hand, not leaving a single scratch on his skin.


"That was a bit harsh."

Kana turned to Kaneki with a questioning look.

"Was it?" She asked.

"You implied that his friends don't understand him." Kaneki replied with a bored shrug.

"You were listening in?" Kana asked, more interested than angry.

"Well, I just so happened to be nearby." He shrugged.

Kana rolled her eyes. "I was simply doing my job."

"Your job?" He asked.

"It was an order from Pein-sama, I must have him join us." She replied.

"You do whatever they tell you to?" Kaneki asked.

"Well of course, they are my family." Kana aggressively answered.

Little Monster [An alternate storyline]Where stories live. Discover now