
978 56 33

After Choji had been mentioned, the three of them went silent. Kiba shuffled just a little further away from Naruto, enough for Shikamaru to notice and raise an eyebrow in question. Kiba grinned nervously in response, glancing at Naruto. Meanwhile, Naruto seemed oblivious of their stares, too busy in his thoughts to notice. He didn't seem to mind the awkward silence as he was lost in thought.

Of course, he was thinking about Kana. But other than her, he was listening to the faint whispers in his head.

"What will you do now, brat?" The fox snickered.

"Will you go with her?" The sinister smiling woman asked.

"Your 'friends' won't understand, they'll fear you." Added the innocent looking boy.

Naruto frowned, whispering a response under his breath.

"I don't know."

Kiba looked to Naruto, his ears barely picking up what he said.


The office was in uncomfortable silence. The Hokage picked up his pipe and chewed on the end, waiting for one of his two visitors to say something.

"We have something we'd like to discuss." The man spoke, settling his pointed gaze on the old man.

"Who are you?" The Hokage asked.

"I am Pein, and I'm currently in charge of Amegakure." He replied. "This is my advisor."

Konan nodded.

"I see," The Hokage hummed. "And what can I do for you?"

"I assume you already know about what happened to one of your genin, Naruto Uzumaki, during the Chunin Exams, yes?" Pein asked, watching as the Hokage tensed.

"How do you know about that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I also have a genin in the same boat as him, Kana of Amegakure," Pein explained. "She has been the one helping him adjust as she has been like this for much longer than he has. The older boy, Kaneki, is also that way, and I was told that he was the one who informed you of his situation."

"Yes, I remember him, he was the one who explained what happened to Naruto." The Hokage hummed. "He is a missing-nin from Otogakure." 

"He was," Pein corrected. "I convinced him to become a part of an... Organization run in Amegakure."

"I see, but what does this have to do with Naruto?" The Hokage asked.

"Naruto, Kaneki, and Kana are, all the same, they would all do well together because they understand each other and have a common goal," He explained. "Orochimaru messed them all up, now they want to hunt him down."

"You want to take Naruto to Amegakure." Hummed the Hokage.

"Correct, I believe it would be a better place for him, a place where he can grow stronger, faster," Pein said. "Of course, he can visit Konoha every now and then, but he would be working as a genin in Ame."

"Does Naruto know about this?" The Hokage asked.

"Yes, all he has to do is make his decision." Pein nodded.

"I will think about it," The Hokage decided. "You may go."

Pein nodded, making his way to the door and quickly leaving the room. Konan stood and politely bowed before the Hokage.

"Thank you for your time Hokage-sama, please consider this." She said before leaving the room.

The Hokage stroked his beard, exhaling a plume of smoke with a sigh.

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