CP9... is fine?

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'So, that is the deal, huh?'  I thought, before we were brought to a courtyard of some sort. "We found the person of interest already." Kalifa told a certain long nosed male, who look surprised at my sudden appearance, before going to give a curt nod. "I see. I take it you were the one who spotted her then, Lucci." He questioned him, as he nodded in the affirmative. At that, the strawberry blond then went to stand up from the ledge that he was sitting on, to approach me. 

He then did the unexpected, and pulled me to him, so that Lucci was no longer holding my arm. He went to look over my now bruised wrist with a frown, before going to look at Lucci, like a disappointed father. 

"Why were you holding onto her wrist this tightly? You're physically stronger than her, and could of sprained it!" He scolded Lucci, who looked like he couldn't care less for what Kaku had to say

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"Why were you holding onto her wrist this tightly? You're physically stronger than her, and could of sprained it!" He scolded Lucci, who looked like he couldn't care less for what Kaku had to say. I, on the other hand, was grateful to be in the presence of Kaku; Lucci was getting to me. 

"I have to agree. You are usually more composed than this; what changed?" Kalifa questioned, as Lucci stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Nothing." He bluntly replied, before going to turn his head towards me. "Remember what I told you earlier. Do not think for a second that you have allies here that can bail you out. You are to stay with the World Government, whether that is as an ally or a foe." He told me with that ever threatening tone of his, before he left, alongside a gloating Spandam. "Oh, how I can't wait to hand in my report!" 

At their disappearance, I felt my body finally at ease. 'Whew, that is enough scary to last me a lifetime!' I sighed, as Kaku tilted his head at me, going to give me a smile. "Wow, were you frazzled! I do not blame you, since Lucci can be quite the intimidating guy." He told me, as I nodded in agreement. "Whew, tell me about it." I slumped my shoulders, before he went to gently run a thumb over my now purpled wrist. "Oh dear, he was holding you too tightly! I bet it hurts." He frowned, as I nodded. Just the mere feeling of his thumb caused me to wince a bit in pain. He went to give a sigh, before looking at me apologetically. 

"I apologize on behalf of his rough manhandling

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"I apologize on behalf of his rough manhandling. I have no clue why he thought to hold you in such a way; it's so bizarre..." He murmured, before going to gently lead me away to a room, that looked to be a kitchen. 

He went to take an ice pack from the fridge, before carefully applying it on my wrist. "This should help numb the pain." He informed me, as I thanked him for his kindness.

The difference between Kaku and Lucci couldn't be more drastic than night and day. While Lucci was horrifying and abrasive, Kaku was friendly and gentle. If I had to choose between one of them to guard over me at my stay with the WG, I would choose Kaku in a heartbeat, no questions asked. 

"My name is Kaku, by the way. What is your name?" He questioned me, as I told him that it was (y/n).  At that, he smiled. "Ah,  what a beautiful name for a young lady such as yourself." He grinned, as I couldn't help the light blush that now coated my cheeks; I was definitely NOT use to males being that nice to me. 

"So, did they already tell you about why you are here?" He asked me, as I nodded. "Yeah, but not in a welcoming way." I murmured, as the strawberry blond laughed at that. "Yeah, I suspected just as much. Well, think of it more like this; you have the opportunity to do great good!" He proposed to me, as I internally shook my head. I knew what the WG does, and I want no part of it! 

"Y-yeah, but what If I do not want to be... proactive, so to speak?.." I questioned carefully, being sure to mind my words. After all, as welcoming as Kaku was, he was still an agent of CP9. At that, he hummed a bit in thought. "You know, this is a unique situation that we are dealing with now, so who knows? They could just let you do small tasks, like pick up after the yard, or help the chefs prepare dinner, or they could want you to take a more prominent role in our organization." He shrugged, before I heard someone grunt in pain as something appeared to have hit the floor. 

While I was worried, Kaku rolled his eyes, as if this was some normal occurrence. "How many times do I have to tell you that the floor in that area is uneven, Rosinante?" 

At hearing that name, I naturally perked up, surprised beyond belief with what I was hearing, and now seeing. Surely enough, the tall blond was sprawled out on the floor, looking like a toddler who accidentally slipped on one of their toys. "I-I thought I avoided it this time!" He huffed in frustration, before going to stand up straight upon seeing me. "Wow, who is this lady? Your girlfriend?" 

"N-no, you louse! This is (y/n), our newest addition to the crew." He informed the tall male matter-of-factly, who seemed to simply laugh it off. "Is that so? Sucks for you, then, because a girl that pretty is bound to become taken quite quickly." He giggled, as Kaku looked to be wanting to tempest kick him out of the room, as the current blush present on my (s/c) complected face seemed like it wasn't going to let up anytime soon. 

'Oh boy, two sweet compliments back to back? From two iconic figures? Oh, my little heart can't take it!~' I swooned internally, before mustering my best poker face in real life, to keep my feels intact. 

"Well, I am Rosinante! Nice to meet you, (y/n)! I hope you enjoy your stay with us; we seldom have girls around." He pointed out, before he seemed to be scurrying around for a lighter for his now extinguished cigarette. "Remember, no setting yourself on fire; that didn't go over well with a certain someone." Kaku vaguely reminded Rosinante, who scratched his head nervously, going to plaster on a cute, dorky smile. "R-right, my bad! Won't happen again!" He chuckled, before finding his desired lighter, and walking off. 

Now that those sweet feels have been put to rest, I couldn't help but be in complete shock at seeing Rosinante here. After all, this wasn't suppose to happen, for reasons left obvious! 

"It seems the appearance of that buffoon has lifted your spirits; im glad." He grinned happily to me, as I felt my lips turn up in a mutual smile. "Y-yeah, it's so nice to see him well." I grinned back, before a huge bang was heard, as well as a not-so-manly scream from Spandam in the distance. At sensing danger, Kaku was quick on his feet, a hand to the hilt of his sword, before he went to stand in front of me, acting like a shield of sorts from any impending doom. 

"MAGIC GUUUUUYYYYYY, WHERE ARE YOOOOOUUUUU?!?!?!" I heard a far too iconic voice scream at the top of his lungs. 

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