Im the responsible one

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(Sabo's POV)

'Aha! I have found (y/n)!' I grinned proudly to myself, finding her situated in a fancy restaurant. However, despite clearly seeing her there, with food nevertheless, I found myself surprised when I didn't see Luffy anywhere near her. In fact, in his place was someone else. 

"Oh, there you are, (y/n)!" I chirped to her, as she went to look at me in confusion for some peculiar reason at first, before it changed into a look of recognition. 

"Hey!" She grinned brightly to me, going to wave a hand to me, as I went to look around the restaurant; still no Luffy to be found. "Say... where is Luffy? He was with you." I pointed out, as she went to blink for a second, before going to fume like Ace did when Luffy ate the last piece of meat. 

"That JERK! HE WAS THE ONE WHO SENT ME FLYING!" She growled loudly, so loudly in fact that for a split second, the entire restaurant went dead silent. 

"Do you mean with regards to what happened on the ship?" I questioned her, as she shook her head. "No, this happened way after that! You see, we were watching this ace sniper strut his stuff, and then, his dumbass decided to try and hit a rubber target, which deflected his fist, and resulted in him punching me into the air, and me getting my 3rd Luffy-induced concussion, the 2nd one of the day, and temporary amnesia!" She huffed angrily, as I went to gasp in shock. "He gave you amnesia?! He really needs to be more cautious of his actions, and the people around him!" I folded my arms, before shaking my head in disapproval. I know for sure that this was just a freak accident, in which the airhead is notorious for, and that he didn't mean it, but he really needs to get that big head of his out of the clouds, sometimes! 

"It seems you have now recovered from your amnesia, yoi." The blond male in front of her smiled, as she then went to pale at him, for some reason. "U-uh, yeah! A-also, Marco?..." "Yeah?" "Can you kindly forget all the crazy crap that  I was saying to you before now? I wasn't in my right state of mind!" She giggled awkwardly, which caused me to grow curious as to what she could of possibly told Marco that was so embarrassing, that she wished for him to forget it even happened. Despite her words, however, Marco simply went to chuckle in response. 

"But I couldn't possibly forget all the sweet things that you had told me!" He chirped to her, as her (s/c) cheeks went to blush a cute pink in response. "W-well, try and forget them regardless, dang it! If you need help on forgetting things, ask Luffy to punch you in the noggin like he did to me; it works wonders!" She told him, as I was almost tempted to ask what they were even talking about, and what (y/n) told him, but I held back that temptation. I am not impulsive like Luffy with my words, nor as stubborn as Ace on being informed of a situation he wasn't involved in; I was a gentleman who knew when to leave well enough alone. 

"So, when was the last time you've seen him?" I questioned (y/n), deciding it best not to pry into whatever the past business that concerned her and Marco was about, as she went to face me again. "Oh, that punk? Before he sent me flying into the air like the air-headed jerkwad that he is, he was on top of the hill on the furthermost of this island, the one where that cool castle is at." She informed me, as Marco went to scratch his head. "Ace should already be there, by now." He told me, as I blinked at that. "So Ace was with you guys, too?" I questioned, as he nodded at me. "He was, but then he went to search for Luffy, when (y/n) appeared right before us." He said to me, as I went to grin brightly at hearing that information. "Great! Me and Ace have transponders snails, so I will just contact him, and then we'll set up the flare to get everybody together!" I smiled, before going to get said transponder snail out, and attempt to contact Ace. 




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