Handling business

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(A/N);  Thanks to everyone who casted their votes! I will still count any other new votes that may come in regarding the endings until I reach that point, so the guy's whose ending I write first isn't written in stone yet. As of writing this, it seems Katakuri is in the lead, but he keeps ending up tying with Law, so we'll see what happens. Once again, thank you for your votes, and heres the chapter!~


After an intense training session, we all then went to wash up and eat some delicious food, as prepped by the lovely chef Sanji.

"Honestly, you have no idea how much I appreciate you, Sanji. Thank you so much for providing me with food while I was seeking wisdom. You didn't have to do that, but you did it anyways." I thanked him gratefully, as he went to smile brightly at me. "Of course, (y/n)! I wasn't going to have you starve in your room; what kind of man would I be?" He grinned, as I nodded, before going to eat heavenly food. God, it was so good!~

"Oi, what about me? I was the one who created the hatch to make that possible!" Franky complained, as I chuckled. "Yes, of course! I thank you too, Franky; that was super." I giggled, as he smirked pridefully at my words. "Damn right, sister!"

"Du yuf thfnk thut Kiarua woued be bawk?" Luffy said with a full mouth, clearly having no manners, as I shrugged. "I don't know... maybe. I am kind of worried about her, to be honest... she is playing some risky games with some dangerous people. If she gets found out..." I shuddered, not wanting to even think about the possibility, as Luffy slammed his hand on the table. "Dunt werry 'buot her, (y/n)! If shus in treble, ten we'd safe her!" He spoke once again, with his chewed up food clearly visibly, as I turned my head away.

"I appreciate your jumbled up words, Luffy, but could you please swallow first, and then talk? It's quite disgusting to see your chewed up food in your mouth..." I gagged, as he then went to swallow his food, before chuckling. "Oh, sorry, my bad!" He cackled, as I sighed. He never seems to learn...

"Speaking of that girl... you mentioned that she worked in the marines, right?" Drake questioned me, as I nodded. "Yup, for jerk face Akainu, luckily for her. She also works for lots of underground organizations, your brother included, Rosi." I told the blond, who went to choke on his drink. He grew very solemn all of a sudden at the mention of his brother. I wouldn't blame him, what with all that had happened...

"...Does she? How is she doing, working in that place?..." He asked me, as I shrugged. "Dunno. I'd imagine not so good, though." I sighed, as I continued to eat my food.

"Do you think that he knows that I am still alive?..." He asked me, as I grew tense. He did have a bounty now, what with the shooting incident, so it wouldnt surprise me if he did knew.

"Probably. Your big bro does have a lot of intel on his hands..." I murmured, before recalling what he was trying to do with Rhine. "...A bit too much intel, I'd say..."

"Forget about that no good bastard. If he crosses our path again, we'll end him." Law spoke up with such intense hate in his eyes, that it caused me to instantly act on instinct, and go over to him to calm him down. "Don't get worked up over him, Law; he's not worth it." I told him, as he looked me right in the eye. "You must know about all the shit he put me and Cora-san through! He is the devil himself!" He hissed to me, as I nodded. "Trust me, I do understand. He tried pulling some crap with me, as well..." I sighed, as he blinked curiously at me, before his eyes darkened.

"...What did that man do to you, (y/n)?..."

"Nothing that really worked, thankfully, but I am pretty sure that he has more hell to raise for me... I just don't know, and don't care for it right now; getting rid of Mary is my top priority right now." I told him, as he went to grasp my shoulders, a bit tightly I might add.

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