"Kidding" around

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"What is the latest drama now?" I questioned everyone with a sigh, as I noticed the culprit for this drama right away. I mean, it was kind of hard to miss him, what with his spiky, fiery red hair, his towering height, and his flashy way of dressing. The best way I'd describe his style would be steampunk with a few banging bright colors and accessories here and there... he really was a strange dude...

"Ah, the princess is here!" Kid smirked, as Sanji glared certain death at him, alongside a few others, notably the rest of our supernova gang looking at him with clear irritation, two members of the ASL looking ready to break his skull in for whatever reason, with it's third member simply observing the scene with confusion, and the rest of our gang simply watching this whole thing go down in flames, though they looked quite speechless as well. 

"Kid, what on Earth did you do now?" I sighed, going to hold my head. The buzzing was getting to me... Why did Kid love to instigate crap? And where is Killer when you need him?

"Simply standing firm with the truth, your highness." He winked to me, as I shook my head, just as Sanji went to swing a kick towards him, that he blocked with his metallic hand. "You really don't want to fight me, pretty boy, so I'd suggest you stand back." Kid smirked cruelly, as Sanji continued to glare at him. "You are so full of shit! (y/n) isn't yours! She's not that big guy's, and she is not yours, either!" He growled, as Kid went to go from smirking to scowling at him, which I knew was a bad sign. 

"Hey, hey, everyboddyy callmm down!... Damn, where is the calm-calm man when you need him?..." I sighed, getting lazily between the two, which was a mistake and a half, because Kid just took that opportunity to bring me close to him, with his good arm. 

"Try that lame kick now, fucked up brows! If you attempt to hurt my girl, you'll regret it with your life." Kid chuckled like the little maniac that he was, as I went to roll my eyes. "Who says I am yours? 'Cus it certainly wasn't me!" I told him, going to jab his chest with a finger. 

"See? Right from the source herself; she isn't yours!" Sanji clenched his teeth at him, looking almost like he was going to pop his cigarette in half with his teeth. 

"She's just shy about it in public. Just look at her; do you honestly think that she would admit that she is hooking up with the big bad Eustass Kid?" Kid made up, as I face-palmed myself. "You're not being serious, right?... I truly hope that you're joking...." I frowned, as he emitted a loud cackle at my response. He really is a strange dude....

Meanwhile, Sanji looked like he was going to self-combust, which wasn't a good sign, obviously. "I am too faded for this..." I complained with a pout, before I went to do something risky and stupid... which was scold Kid. 

"Listen here, mister tough guy, and mister giving-Usopp-a-run-for-his-money-on-the-biggest-liar-scale! You need to stop starting shit! Is causing beef the only thing you know how to do, other than tinker like a grungy male Tinkerbell?" I questioned him with a frown, as he simply didn't even look to be taking anything I was saying seriously. If anything, he was giving me the same look that Katakuri gives me when he's off in daydream land. 

"No, I know how to do a lot of other things too, baby girl. However, if you want to see exactly what those other things are... you're going to have to come with me to my bedroom~" 


As if coordinated, Sanji, Ace, and Sabo went to all in sync go to swing at him, in which he just responded by casually dodged the attacks with ease, still holding onto me, as the three accidentally went to swing at each other, which made them fall to the floor in pain. 

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