Tweedle dee and tweedle dum

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(Sanji's POV)

YES! This was my chance to impress (y/n)-swan!~ 

Nobody knew about food as much as I did! I will win this challenge with no problem!~ 

"What good is food if it doesn't have any spices?" I questioned myself aloud, before lighting up my cigarette. I was now in a garden of sorts, that was clearly overgrown; perfect. 

"I see some cilantro here, a bit of basil over there... woah, they even have saffron!" My eyes glowed, as I went to stuff the plants in a bag. I was getting excited just seeing all that I had to work with; this island was a goldmine! 

When I was satisfied with my collection, I then moved on to meats. In this case, the variety was a necessity, because I had no idea what (y/n)-swan's parents enjoyed. What if they were allergic to fish? I had to be mindful of those that I was planning to feed! 

"Tch, I bet that marimo thinks he'd beat me with this challenge... like the boar that he is..." I frowned in distaste, just cringing at the thought of that bastard winning this challenge.

I snapped out of that thought though when I heard a certain sound... the sound of hoofs approaching me. When I went to turn to see what it was, I couldn't have been happier. 

"Speak of the devil," I smirked, before going to do a nice roundhouse kick, that rendered the boar unconscious. "Look at all this meat I have to work with! Now, what dish should I make?" I hummed, pondering it over. Pork was so versatile, I could do many things with it!...

"Mademoiselle, would I interest you in a pan-roasted pork chop, with just a pinch of sugar melted into the brined meat? Or, would you prefer a nice slow-cooked pork roast, that just melts like butter in your mouth?" I questioned (y/n)-swan in my imagination, as she was smiling back at me. "I'd take anything that you'd make, Sanji-kuuunn!" She'd reply, as I went to giggle like crazy. Ah, whenever I see her gorgeous face, my heart just sizzles!~

"I bet if I win this challenge, it'd get me one step closer to winning over her heart! Yes, I just love the very thought of it! (Y/n)-swan, being mine!~


"Oh, Sannjiii, what are you doing over theeeree?" (Y/n) whined to me, her (e/c) eyes staring sadly at me, as her beautiful body was laid out over the couch. N-not yet, Sanji, focus on the task at hand!

"It's a surprise, my love. Just give me a few more minutes!" I told her with a smile, making sure to block the cheesecake that I was decorating out of her view. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if she saw what I was doing!

"But Saanjiii, I need you over here, right now!" She pouted to me, with the silk robe that she was wearing perfectly outlining her body. God, she looked so gorgeous, I could just- STAY FOCUSED! 

"But I am preparing a surprise for you, my sweet! Don't you want to see it?" I questioned her, my self-control really being tested right now, as she puckered out her lower lip cutely. 

"But you're taking too looonngg! I miss your sweet embrace, Sanji! It's getting quite cold over here!" She shuddered, before going to give me a look that just took my breath away. 

"I need your warmth now, Sanji, my body misses you!"

Looks like I lost yet again. I'll finish decorating this cheesecake later.

"That's more like it." She purred, as I went to pepper her face lovingly with kisses. It was near impossible to resist (y/n), especially when she gets like this! 

"You know that I love you, right Sanji?" She questioned me with lidded eyes, as I nodded, before giving her a big kiss on her luscious lips. "Yes, you remind me every waking minute." I smiled, as I went to take in her wonderful scent. Funny, she smelled a bit like a dessert, herself...

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