Me against the world

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(A/N); Id like to thank all the awesome peeps who have sent their best regards to my current situation. Honestly, you guys are the reason I am so passionate about this story to begin with! I can't thank yall enough! I hope this chapter would suffice enough as thanks!

P.S; allergies suck big time. 


"I'm out in front
I've got the speed
I love it when I'm in the lead
I gotta go, go, go, go, go
I gotta go, go, go
You can't go fast if you go too slow
So go, go, go, go, go."

I sung to myself as I tried to calm my pattering heart, as I ran with all my might away from some very adamant pursuers, by the thousands. 

So, how did it get so bad so quickly? 

One word; snail. 

Now, why snail, you may ask? Why snail, and not Luffy being a dunderhead, or Zoro getting lost and finding Akainu by accident like I did, or something else? Well, it was very simple, really. 

None of us really took into account that there was a snail cam watching over everything. 

And that included, me running out of Lucci's room in a hurry, looking like a hot mess, with my face clearly visible in the camera. 

'I'D MAKE A ESCARGOT OUT OF YOU IF I COULD, STUPID SNAIL!' I growled internally, as I turned a quick corner, and felt my heart leap heavily in my chest. 

"Wait a minute... you're the girl worth 1 trillion beris!" The last man I wanted to see said, realization clearly on his face, as I then felt cold metal clip on my wrists. "You are under arrest, (y/n)!" A marine officer said from behind me, as I began to sweat nervously. T-this is bad... this is really, really bad... 

However, despite my mind spinning like crazy from the fear, I realized that the pair of handcuffs on me weren't seastone. 'Oh, thank goodness!' I chirped, before I quickly morphed into my safe puddle, and slid on out of there. 

But maaybbee I celebrated a bit too early, because before the next thing I knew, there was an onslaught of those seastone bomb things after me. 

'M-move, (y/n)! Get out the way of these things or it's game over! You gotta go fast!' I thought, as I went to dodge these things to the best of my ability, kind of like a boxer in the ring hopping and sliding away from any upcoming punches. 

"Remember that speed is your greatest weapon, (y/n)! You may face stronger opponents than you, but if you're faster than them, then you're guaranteed to be alright!" Sabo told me during one of our many training sessions, as I went to dodge an upcoming attack from Zoro. "You got to be quicker than that, (y/n)! You're still too slow! You're moving like a snail! Move like something faster!" The swordsman barked to me, as I back-flipped away from another incoming attack, before he managed to jab me in the stomach. "Z-zoro! I told you she was not ready yet for complex dodging like that!" I heard Sabo scold him, as I went to simply get back up, albeit with a bit of a stinging stomach, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

 "You're too soft on the woman who is worth 1 trillion beris, Sabo. She is going to have to learn to dodge based on instinct!" He told him, as I went to land a jab back at Zoro's stomach, but that was a mistake and a half, because my knuckles went to start killing me right after. "We also need to really work on your offense, (y/n)...." Zoro sweated, as Sabo went to come over to me with an ice pack. "S-shit, what the fuck are your abs made of; steel?!" I cursed, as Sabo went to place the ice pack over my now bruised knuckles. "(Y/n), when you want to land a good blow on someone who is physically much stronger than you, you have to go for one of their weaker parts!" Sabo advised me, as I hummed in thought. "Okay... so, like if I kicked Zoro where the sun doesn't shine?" I questioned, as Zoro went to pale at that thought, as did Sabo, before he went to nervously chuckle. "Y-yeah, like there, if your opponent is a male.. b-but please don't try that move on us; save it for the dummies and real baddies!" 

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