The Promising Pupil

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(Zoro's POV):

"THIS IS AWESOME!~" I heard the new girl say for the trillionth time. It seems like she was very easy to impress... and also loud. Lucky me.

"Can you keep it down? I am trying to sleep!" I told her once again for the trillionth time, as she shrinked back.

"I-I'm sorry! I-Its just... I am able to see so much and learn so much! I-It is kind of overwhelming!" She told me with apologetic green eyes, going to bow profusely, as I sighed.

"...Just take your curiosity somewhere else; you're very loud." I frowned, as she continued to bow up and down. "I-Im sorry!"

"Maree, is it?" I heard Brook call out to her, as I closed my eye. Why was all this happening near me?...

"Shhh! The swordsman with grass for hair is trying to sleep!" She hushed him, as my eye opened quickly at that. "Oi! I do not have grass for hair!"

"I-Im so sorry, I-I didn't mean to offend you!" She apologized yet again, as I went to turn away from her. Ugh...

I knew very well that she technically was still a child, and just exploring what the rest of us considered to be pretty normal, but I was never the kind to be good with kids. Snot-nosed loud brats with no discipline... just the very thought made me sick.

Though they were pretty terrible, they couldn't hold a candle to how annoying the curly browed chef is. He has been constantly over (Y/n), and I had the "pleasure" of being able to see just how irritating he can be... I have no idea how (Y/n) can put up with him. If I was her, I would have kicked him off the island!

....But I digress. Maree here hasn't been the worst case I've seen, but she can be just as rambunctious as the captain, constantly tripping over her own feet because she is not used to the torture devices/weapons that are heels, talking loudly to herself or others when pointing at something like a bird... she is a whole ball of energy that I did not want to deal with.

To my relief, I heard her walk away and go to Brook, I assume, since he did call her. Finally, I can sl-

"Sleeping on the job as always, huh, Zoro?" I heard a female voice chuckle to me, as I simply groaned in response, though I held back a small smirk.

"Yeah, though I currently do not have a job..." I told her, still on my side with my eye closed.

"Maybe you should get one to help pay for the ol' captain eating this place's buffet out of house and home. You are the second-in-command, after all," She pointed out, as I then went to look at her.

"We are also pirates, (Y/n). You should know that better than anyone else, miss psychic princess and pixie, or whatever the hell title the universe throws your way next," I chuckled, folding my arms behind my head as I crossed my leg casually, while she chuckled in response, before going to plop next to me.

"Well, I have been juiced like a lemon these past days, so maybe I should hang with you?" She suggested, as I shrugged with a smile.

"Feel free; I don't care. Not like I am the owner of this island, anyway," I allowed, as she went to mimic my movements, like the little joker that she was. "Unlike you, I don't hold dominion over my very own island."

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