The gang's all here

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"Strawhat..." Kaku muttered under his breath, before suddenly, the wall next to us got smashed into bits, as a certain raven-head had slingshoted right through it. I couldn't help the goofy smile that now had made its way on my face, as he immediately went to stand up, before going to look at me blankly. 

"Who the heck are you? You do not look like one of the marine guys..." He muttered, as Kaku unsheathed his sword. "None of your business who she is, pal." He glared at him, as the young man continued to look at me, as if I were some riddle that he was trying to solve. "Hmm..." 

He then went to look at Kaku, still looking puzzled at the sight of me. "Wait a minute... are you holding her captive, square Usopp?" He questioned him, noting how Kaku was standing protectively in front of me. "Square Uso-?" He then shook his head. "Again, what her business is with me is of none of your concern. Now, if you wish to get out of this place in one piece, I would suggest that you get a move on to the sea." He then chuckled darkly. "Well, that's what I would say if you weren't a criminal. You sealed your fate once you took a step here." He frowned, before going to slash at Luffy, who nimbly dodged his attacks. "Hey, lady, did this guy kidnap you?" He questioned me, as I shook my head. 

"No, that was all pigeon guy's doing." I informed him, as Luffy turned stern at that. "Ah, was it? What a jerk!" He huffed out, continuing to dodge Kaku's attacks with ease. "He also tried taking one of our friends away, too!" He explained to me, as I chuckled nervously. "For your information, Nico Robin came along on her own accord." Kaku explained, as Luffy glared. "I don't care! She did it because you guys were after her!" He growled, going to throw a punch at Kaku, who dodged it. 

Deciding that this was the perfect moment to run away, I took it, going to dash madly out of the kitchen, before my blood ran cold at who I saw. 

"Where are you going?" Lucci glared at me, as I felt my legs turn into jelly. "N-nowhere! I was just trying to not get killed in there!" I told him; it was half of the truth. "You are coming with me now." He hissed, going to grab my arm again, before something I was not expecting to ever experience happened. 

"Room. Shambles." I heard a deep voice say, as I felt myself teleported to the arm of a certain supernova. "Heh heh, like taking candy from a baby." He chuckled, before going to throw me like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, as he ran off. 

"Now, where the hell do you think you are going with MY precious cargo?" I heard someone sneer, as I just laid limp on the shoulder of Law, finding it pointless to make an escape now. "Who said she was yours? Last time I checked, it's finder's keepers." Law smirked at a certain redhead, before flipping him off, which was a terrible thing to do, because now they were brawling it out, with me still on Law's shoulder. "HEY, HEY, HEY! DON'T I GET A SAY IN THIS?!" I cried out, truly dearly not wanting to die, before a quick figure zoomed past, going to take me from Law's shoulder.

 "You are right, Law; it is finder's keepers." X Drake grinned cockily, as I tried to think up ways to get out of this mess. "Drake, if you know what is best for you, you would hand over the girl." I heard Killer say out of the corner of my eye, as I went to bite my lip in concentration. 

'Think, think, (y/n)! You know these guys, and by the way things are looking, this back and forth will have no end! You have to find a way to use your useless devil fruit in a useful manner, and you got to do it fast!' I clicked my tongue, as Drake and Killer went to go at it, before I felt a claw made of straw wrap around the collar of my shirt, before tugging me towards the stoic blond magician. "I knew that you were all eavesdropping on me. If not for my abilities, you would have no clue about this girl. Since I was the one who knew about her first, it is only natural that she comes with me." He informed the lot, who glared at him. "Like hell I am going to allow that! Give her to me, now!" Kid barked, as the rest of the supernovas then turned their attention to Hawkins, which caused me to sweat nervously. 

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