Loyal to the bitter end

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After Law spaced out strangely for that bit, we proceeded to approach some old, familiar ruins. "This used to be my home." I explained to the group, as Robin rigorously took notes. Oddly enough, my parents didn't say anything to the contrary, so I am guessing that they're starting to remember their part, too. 

"I heard that this land use to be full of mystics, that used their powers to primarily help those that mourn over their loved ones who have passed away. That was the common kind, though, because more specific kinds existed as well. However, they were super rare. There were kinds that could look into the past, as well as look into the future, though it was even rarer for a person to be able to do all three." I explained, as the history of this land was slowly coming back to me, the more I stood here. 

"And you're able to do all three." Hawkins stated, also looking very interested, as I nodded. "Yes, I am supposed to do all three..." I hummed, before looking to the ground. "But, my abilities seemed to have been repressed greatly throughout my childhood." I sighed, before looking at my parents, who were now looking grim. "And it was all due to fear." I said, looking right at them, as my dad seemed to be recalling what I was talking about. 

"(Y/n), we did what we did to keep you safe! You have no idea about the great war we had to fight, just to protect you!" He told me, his eyes tearing up, as I clenched my fists tightly. "Actually, I do." I corrected, feeling a bit bolder than usual, especially concerning this event, as my friends went to look at me in awe. 

"Wait, what is he talking about? What was this great war?" Shanks questioned me, as I folded my arms. "Everybody, have a seat, because this one is a doozy." I advised, before going to sit down on this cushion. We were currently situated in the channeling room, so this place will be the ideal spot to simply SHOW them what I am talking about, as well as start to awaken my abilities that have been long neglected. 



"TAKE COVER!" A powerful voice boomed, as the natives' walls suddenly smashed into smithereens via cannon-fire. "S-sir, there are too many of them; what are we going to do?!" A foot soldier questioned their commander, who was sweating a heap. What was happening to their great kingdom?! They were supposed to have better military strength than the opposing side! 

"You moronic little pieces of vermin; did you honestly think all this high tech nonsense was going to have an effect on ME?!" A tall, pale figure cackled, as the fellow townspeople attempted to retreat from this monster. "Oh, no you don't!" He frowned, his light blue eyes narrowing, as he then froze the fleerers in their place, before, with a swiping motion of a hand, he went to kill those within his grasp, save for a few foot soldiers and their captain, who looked on in horror. 

"YOU BASTARD!" A footsoldier yelped, right before he met his untimely demise by the hand of this cold-blooded killer. "Tsk, tsk. I wouldn't have to be doing this if you all just submitted like the rest of the countries in the first place! Ever since the beginning, your mystics have been a royal pain in the ass! You all were able to see through our moves beforehand, and as a result, you've sent the best of your psychics off to write down those damn poneglyphs throughout the globe! Like a disgusting roach, your kind just keeps multiplying, no matter how many islands we blow to dust! But, ever since I have eaten the blood-blood fruit, wiping out your kind hasn't ever been this easy! Even if you can predict my moves, you all will be useless to stop me!" He cackled aloud, as those that he was taunting simply went to glare back at him. 

"Oh, and if you think those pesky historians will help pick up where you left off, forget it! We eradicated their kind, too!" He smirked wickedly, as the commander went to seethe at him. "Not every one of them!" He retorted, as the blond then went to look at him with disgust, before making a clenching motion with his hands, going to strangle the man from afar with his powers. "Some silly little girl isn't going to do much in that regard! She'll be long dead before she becomes a problem!" 

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