X marks the spot

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I woke up to feeling surprisingly a lot better. 'This is sweet.' I thought, before going to stretch my body, and going to get out of the bed. On further inspection, I noticed that the room that I stood the night in was quite... posh. It didn't look like just any run of the mill guest room. 'Peculiar...' I hummed, before deciding to take a risk, and exit the room, to investigate this new location that I was in. 

"Captain, the pixie has now awaken. She looks to be back to full health!" One of his underlings reported, as the captain in question went to smirk at that. "Good, bring her here." He instructed, as the underling nodded, before heading off. 

I now found myself staring at a hooded figure who was smiling happily at me. "Come with me, pixie! The captain wishes to speak to you!" He told me in a chirpy manner, as I went to fold my arms, and simply follow him. After all, I was intruding his ship, so it was to be expected that he wants to talk to me, especially when I look back at what had happened yesterday, and at what had happened at that WG island. 

At meeting those blue eyes again, I instantly went to sigh internally. 'They're just such a gorgeous blue, I can't help it!' 

"*AHEM*... (y/n)." He murmured to me, as I went to pipe up at that. "Y-yeah, what is it?" I asked, as he went to give an affirming nod. "Your health seems to have improved tremendously from yesterday. I am glad to see that." He noted, as I ran a hand through my (h/t) hair. "Yeah, uh, thanks for letting me crash the night. I know my appearance was sudden..." I chuckled awkwardly, as he went to give another nod. "Yes, it was very unprecedented." He agreed, before we then went to just stand awkwardly, not knowing really what to say to each other. 


"You aren't very social, are you?" I questioned him, as he went to grit his teeth in annoyance. "As if I need to be." He huffed, before doing a majestic swing with his cape, as his back now faced me. "Since we are in the middle of the ocean, you have no choice but to stick with me. Perhaps we can get to know each other in more... appropriate ways." He coughed, as I noticed the very edges of his cheeks turning pink, as I went to internally giggle at that fact. 'Oh, don't worry, Drake, you're not the only one mortified from that intro..' I sighed to myself, as the sun was now high up in the sky, the cold front from before, now gone. 

Unlike my other previous trips with other fellow pirates, my stay with Drake has been a very calm and quiet one. It almost seemed unnatural how quiet and calm it really was, on board. "Don't you guys do anything?" I questioned one of the mates on his crew, who went to hum in thought. "Well... sometimes we would spar!" He told me, as I went to groan, going to lay my body flat on the deck in boredom. "I meant something fun! Don't you guys tell jokes, or stories, or something? It's so creepy how quiet it is in here!" I pointed out, as one of the other mates went to pipe up. "Well... you could try teasing the captain..." 

"Excuse me?" 

"Teasing the captain! You stayed with us long enough to know he's not usually the chirpy, outgoing type, right?" The mate questioned me, as I nodded. "Then, maybe you should try teasing him! See what happens! Since you're the pixie and a woman, you're less likely to get hurt if you try to!" He chuckled softly, as I sweated nervously. "Uhuh..." I murmured, before I noticed said captain entering the vicinity, as he got the daily newspaper for the day, before leaving. "Eh, why the heck not?" I shrugged, deciding to give it a try, as I went to follow the leather-clad male to what looked like some training hall. 

"Hey Drake, Im bored, so im going to hang out with you." I bluntly told him, as he went to blink at that, before shrugging it off. "Feel free to do whatever you please, just as long as it doesn't hurt anyone." He told me, as I went to hum in thought. 

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