You down with ASL?

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Okay, this was a first for me. 

"W-why are we running away from tiny little puppies?" I questioned Ace, since Luffy was simply screaming his head off. "B-because their teeth are razor sharp!" He pointed out, just as I noticed the damn rows of teeth on these things. HOLY MACKEREL HE WASN'T KIDDING! 

"O-okay, now I see why now!" I sweated, before going to hold tighter onto Sabo's shirt. "RUN LIKE THE WIND, SABO!" I encouraged, as he went to chuckle nervously. "Y-you don't have to tell me twice!" He dryly laughed, as I then heard what I presumed was some of the kidnappers yell out some nonsense. 


"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVVEEE!" I retorted back, just as Ace went to start to run backwards. He sent a fireblast their way, which caused them to immediately halt and take cover, as I then went to give him a high-five. 

"Good going, Ace!" I chirped happily, as he went to smugly smile to me. "It's no problem, (y/n)! That was just a fraction of my power!" He bragged, as I rolled my eyes. Was this really the time for this? I don't think so!! 

"THERE SHE IS! (Y/N) THE PIXIE, WORTH A TRILLION BERIS!" I heard some others yell in front of us, as I went to start sweating like a pig. 

"Get out of our way!" Luffy growled, before he went to do a little move of his own. "Now gum gum gatling! " He yelled, punching the crap out of any guy that stood in our way, as we then passed through with ease. I got to admit, it was pretty freakin' awesome to see them in action up close... and there goes the fangirl in me!

When you're usually afraid for your life, you don't really take into account how cool it is to even be in this world in the first place! It was like home, you could say...

"Look, I can see the shore!" Sabo pointed out to his fellow brothers, as we all felt relieved to see the ocean again. "Feeling a bit better, (y/n)?" Luffy asked me, as I shrugged. "Eh, could be better," I told him, still feeling quite weak physically on this island, as we all then awkwardly stood in place. 


"So, uh..." 


"What does northwest look like?" 

I wanted to facepalm myself, using Sabo's chest as the palm for my head. 

"How about we just start walking to the left, until we see some ships?" I suggested meekly, as everyone seemed in agreement at that. 

"Hey, Sabo... you look a bit tired... if you want, I can hold (y/n) so that you may rest a bit?" Ace suggested with a no-good grin, as Sabo went to shake his head. "No thanks, I am fine. She's as light as a feather." He told him, clearly not interested at the very prospect of letting me go, as I went to hold in a giggle. I was flattered that he found me as light as a feather! Hanging out with these wackadoodles does wonders for my self-esteem.

"Those were some scary puppies..." Luffy shuddered, going to completely change the topic entirely, as we all went to nod in agreement. What kind of mutant puppies did they have on this island?! 

"If I had to guess, maybe they use these killer puppies as a lure for their targets. After all, who can resist a cute dog?" Sabo questioned, as I went to hum a bit. Yeah, that would be one hell of a lure. However, the minute I'd see their teeth, im getting the heck out of there! 

"I want to get off this stupid island already, and get to Sunny!" Luffy pouted, as we all went to agree. An island crawling with marines, celestial dragons, and kidnappers? No thank you. 

(One Piece X Reader) I WishWhere stories live. Discover now