Mistaken Identity

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(A/N); Let's just say things are gonna get crazy... *sweats* oh dear...


I woke up with a yawn, as I rubbed my eyes to rid the sleepiness from them. In contrast to the days I had spent with the Strawhats, I surprisingly didn't woke to any noise here. If anything, it was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. 'Could just be this room.' I thought, as I went to get up from the bed, and gather some clothes from the pile, alongside a towel that laid on the chair, before going to walk down the hall towards the bathroom. Luckily for me, no one was in there, so I went to slip in, and go and take a bath, to wake me up some more. 

I was in there for just five minutes, before the door was opened, which caused me to squeal, and cover my bare body up with my arms and legs. "SOMEONE'S HERE!" I told the intruder, as I realized that it was Law that had entered. "You didn't lock the door." He informed me, as he didn't even pay me any mind, as he seemed to be searching for something in one of the drawers. "Y-yeah I did!" I pouted, going to point towards a bar that connected with the door. "See?" I huffed, as he didn't look up from what he was doing. "My bad. I meant to say you didn't lock it all the way. There's two bars, you see." He pointed out, as I just stood awkwardly in the tub, continuing to cover myself up. "D-don't you feel any type of way being in the same room as a naked girl?!" I asked, exasperated, as he continued digging the drawers for whatever he was looking for. "I'm a surgeon; I've dealt with far worse." He murmured, as I gasped in shocked. 

"W-worse?! I am not that bad, you heartless jerk!" I barked, as he then realized his mistake, and winced noticeably. "I-I didn't mean it like that! Besides, I didn't take one peek at you, I promise!" He stuttered out, his cheeks an embarrassed pink, as I continued to frown at him. "J-just get whatever the heck you're looking for, and get the hell out!" I commanded, as he nodded curtly at that, going to take what looked like some weird elixir of some sort, before going to quickly leave. 

"I told you not to risk it and go in there, captain." I heard Bepo say to Law, who scoffed in response. "If I need something, I will go and take it. Besides, what's the big deal? I didn't even look at her!" He complained to the bear, who laughed in response. "You have no clue how to deal with girls, do you, captain?" He questioned him, as I didn't hear Law say anything in response, which just caused Bepo to laugh even more. 

'Even if that is true, which it looks like it is, you'd think common sense would tell a MAN not to just casually stroll in the same area a woman is taking a bath in!' I thought, before going to sink myself lower in the bath, shaking my head. 

After freshening myself up, I went to go to where the kitchen was said to be, since I wanted to grab some grub to fill my belly with. However, it seemed like fate had other plans, as the crew seemed to be reading a newspaper with intense scrutiny. "Uh... what's up, guys?" I waved awkwardly, as they went to look back up at me with friendly smiles. "Oh, good morning, (y/n)!" One of the crew mates smiled, as I went to look over their heads at the newspapers that they had in hand. "What you guys reading?" I questioned, as they went to hand me a copy. "Apparently there is this phantom that swoops from island to island, causing mayhem in it's path! Some islands had to deal with random people dying, while other's had to deal with their cattle going missing, or their banks being completely devoid of a single beri!" Penguin explained to me, as I rose a brow at that. "Is that so? Oh geez, I hope that is just some tabloid rumor, and nothing else." I shuddered, as the blond went to tilt his head down. "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it is. There really is some person out there doing all this kind of stuff... but no one knows who it is yet. For all we know, they could target pirates next." He frowned, as I folded my arms. "That's creepy as hell... hope they get caught soon." I shivered, before going to get myself some food. 

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