Doll on a music box

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(A/N); I had to, the temptation to make this reference was too strong. Also because the lyrics to it are quite befitting to what's going to happen next, hint hint. 


I woke up to quite a loud yawn, which startled me, since I thought I was alone. When I opened my eyes, however, I was greeted to a stretching Katakuri, and the realization that all that occurred yesterday was not some bizarre, hyper-realistic, dream. 

'So, this seems for real... I just still can't believe it...' I thought, before Katakuri's eyes found mine. "I wonder if you are similar to a homie..." He hummed, as I instantly had to hold back a laugh. Yes, it was immature, and stupid, but I can't help it; the homies back in my world were way different than the ones in One Piece. Every time I heard them say it, I just couldn't help but chuckle a bit. 

"No, I am more closer to a human." I robotically answer, as I stretch my own little arms. "Hmm... how interesting..." He murmured, as he seemed to get some clothes and a towel, and head into the bathroom. "I am going to take a shower. I promise not to be long." He informed me, before shutting the door. 

'Even though I kind of don't want to, since this treatment is nice, I have to get out of here! This ruse is bound to be found out sooner rather than later, and when he realizes I am an actual human, it'd be the end of me.' I cried, as I put on the doll clothes from yesterday, and gathered my book and pen that had came with me, before tucking it in a pocket of my dress. 

'T-this is quite a big fall... I might break my knees if I try to just jump out of here.' I gulp, as I stare at the floor, which seemed so far down from the bed. I then thought to use the blanket of the bed as kind of a slide towards the floor, which worked better than I thought, as I slid down towards the floor with a tumble, before running towards the entry way. 

There was a gap under the door just big enough for me to get out of, so I took it, going to crawl out, before proceeding to run down the hall. I went to hide behind a vase though at seeing the rest of the Charlotte family scurrying around. 

"What were those two thinking? If we do not find that pixie soon before big brother does, then we are going to have it." I heard one of the siblings murmur to the other, as they ran past me, as I gulped nervously. 'Just great, now it seems they are all looking for me'  I frowned, before I proceeded to cautiously dart down the hall. 'M-maybe I should go back to Katakuri's room... but I still need to get out of here somehow! Staying here any longer could be dangerous!' 

As if a prayer was answered, I heard a familar voice swoon out to me from the room next door. "(y/n)-swwaaannnn, your prince is here!" I heard the blond cry out, as I smiled. 'So they did come for me... this loyalty... is beautiful....' I cried internally, before noticing a certain door being opened. "Dolly, where did you go?..." I heard Katakuri murmur, as I quickly ducked into the next room, where I met up with Sanji. 

"You know, calling out for me like that was risky; the whole family is running amok right now, searching for me." I warned the romantic blond, who turned serious at that. "So you managed to escape from them?" He questioned me, as I winced a bit at hearing Katakuri again. "Dolly, talk to me; where are you?" He questioned, as I went to grab Sanji's hand, and drag us over to what seemed like a music box platform of some kind. "Over here, quick!" I whispered to Sanji, as we went to blend in with the platform, going to pose like we actually belonged there. 

The door to the room we were in opened, and surely enough, there was Katakuri. "Oh, there you are, Dolly. What are you doing in Pudding's room?" He questioned me, as another person, the one I feared to see, also showed up. "Katakuri, what are you doing in my room?" She questioned him, as he looked back at her, as if the answer was obvious. "Sanji, turn the music box on. We need to stop them from talking, NOW." I told the blond, as he cooperated, going to turn the key to the music box, which started up some music, which made the two Charlottes stop talking, and look at us in awe. 

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