I smell a rat

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(A/N); Have this funny cover as apologies for the long delay! Busy life and writer's block makes for disaster!


Naturally, with two new faces on the scene, especially one being PROMINENT AS ALL HELL, there was naturally a commotion, but not in the common sense of the word. 

"S-so you're really being serious!" Shanks continued to gawk at Luffy, who was pouting at everyone and everything at that moment. "Of course I am! Why don't any of you believe me?!" He complained, as Ace, another skeptic, narrowed his eyes at him. "Because if what you are saying is true, then that means that you actually have grown up, and that's impossible!" He shook his head, as Luffy glared at him. "Oi!" 

"Stop being such a sore loser. It's not like you had a chance either way." Zoro commented to a depressed Sanji, who scowled at him. "SHUT UP! I am facing a personal crisis right now!" He then continued to mope. "Both me and the captain in love with a gorgeous princess from some mystical far away land... it sounds like a tragedy just waiting to happen..." He sighed lowly, as I rose my brows curiously at him. "Uh... since when does Luffy's confession equate to me being with him?" I questioned, as I could practically feel everybody's smirk. 

"I think she just very kindly rejected you, Strawhat!" Kid cackled, as Luffy's brain looked like it had windows crashed on me. Kid, being the ever so arrogant person that he was, went to slide on next to me, like a mister fly guy, as he wrapped an arm around me. "Which would make sense, since she's my girl!" He proclaimed falsely, as I went to roll my eyes. "I know your hair may LOOK like a flame, but that doesn't mean that you have to be sparkling off fires that aren't there!" I told him, as Sanji glared at him. 

"As if! Why would (y/n)-swan choose a jackass like you?!" He growled, as I could practically feel Kid's killer glare at his words. "You better tone it down, screwed brows!" He warned, as I dissipated away from the redhead's arm, before reappearing next to Robin, who doesn't drive me crazy. "I know no matter what I say, you guys will continue to fight over me." I sighed, before turning my heel the other way. "So, I am going to walk away now; see you guys later." I waved my hand, before walking off. 

"B-but (y/n)-swaann!" I heard Sanji complain, but I didn't bother to respond back to him; it'd be adding fuel to the flame. What I need to do now is clear my head, if just for a second. 

After all, freakin' Shanks is here now, but for what reason? That in itself concerns me. Important guys like him aren't supposed to show up unless things are about to really go down, and I am not ready for things to really go down yet; it was already crazy enough. 

I mean, as if Mary wasn't a threat enough on her own, she is now allied with Blackbeard of all people, which is a recipe of bad on top of bad! One has the power to stop and control people at will, and the other can take your powers away and practically instakill you. Anyone in my kind of position would be profusely crapping themselves at the thought. 

I was able to get her by surprise that one time, but next time, I wouldn't be so lucky. She also has the ability to hear my heart, which is another neat thing for me! And with Marie's strength, she is even more of a monster! It's almost like it is hopeless to even defeat her; her devil fruit was just too strong! 

'Can somebody please nerf her and the other jerkwad, please? I am a noob going against the damn grandmasters!' I sighed exasperatedly, trying desperately to think if it was even possible to kill her! What if her devil fruit allows her to be practically immortal? What if she is has three lives, and it'd take killing her three times to make sure she is dead for good? How would I even be able to attack her if she can control my damn blood? What if she just instakills me by giving me a heart attack? 

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