Love is deaf

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As per his word, Chopper returned back in a jiffy, carrying along with him a huge assortment of medicines. "I was able to pick up a lot of stuff that will make you feel better, (y/n)!" He chirped to me, before setting the crate down next to me, and going to pick up a very pretty vial. "Try this!" He urged me, as I went to inspect the vial, before drinking it's contents. 'Mm, it tastes like grape juice', I noted, as he grinned at me. "That should help get you out of bed sooner rather than later!" He told me, as I went to smile at him, grateful, before Robin entered the vicinity. "Doctor, we need you in the kitchen." She told him, as he nodded to her. "I'll be there just in a second!" He responded, before heading out, as Robin went to give me a soft smile. "By the way, that vial that you just drank... the surgeon found it to help you." She informed me, as I went to grin widely. "Aw, really? Tell him I said thanks!" I chirped, as she nodded, before turning to leave. "Hope you get well soon." She told me, before making her leave. 

(Katakuri's POV) 

My jaw almost hit the floor. I was not expecting for mama to have concocted this kind of plan, especially with it including (y/n) in it! 

"You look surprised. Well, it is to be expected. After all, I am pairing a young, beautiful girl, with someone like you, dogtooth!" Mama chirped to me, as I went to grit my teeth; I hated that nickname. 

"Actually, mama, me and (y/n) are already acquainted." I informed her, as her smile grew wider at that. "Is that so? Well, that makes this arrangement even easier!" She cackled, before going to shoo me off. "Bring her to me at once! I want to meet the young lady worth 1 trillion beris! For someone with such a high bounty, I never even heard of her!" She waved her hand to me, as I didn't need to be told twice. 

Though I was a bit soured because of the nickname, I couldn't help but feel my heart practically leap out of my chest at this incredible news. My dream is becoming true... I was going to get married to (y/n)!~ And much sooner than I anticipated! On top of that, mama came with the idea, so that must mean that she blesses it! 

'And Oven and Daifuku weren't believing me when I said I saw my future with her...' I scoffed, before going to go see Brulee, who went to smile happily at seeing me. "Big brother! So, how did things go with mama?" She asked me curiously, as I went to look at her happily. "More better than I expected. She actually requested to see (y/n)!" I chirped to her, as she blinked in surprise. "Really? What does she want with (y/n)?" I went to cross my arms. "Probably to see her, since she wants me to marry (y/n)." I told her, as Brulee went to look at me in shock. "M-marry?!" She questioned, as if not believing it, as I went to happily nod to her. 

"Yes, marry; isn't it great?" I giggled, before my mind went to float to all the amazing possibilities. 

"Of course I will marry you, Kata-kun! I was waiting for you to ask, hee hee!~"

"Well, I am sorry I kept you waiting, my sweet!"

"A-and you're fine with this?! Better yet, would (y/n) be fine with this?!" Brulee questioned me, breaking me out of my daydreams, which caused me to frown. 

"Of course I am fine with this, I was going to bring the idea up to mama anyways! And (y/n) would be fine with it as well." I told her matter-of-factly, as she still went to look at me in disbelief, before shaking her head. 

"Ooohh big brother... did the fiasco with Pudding teach you nothing? Us Charlottes are just not cut out for this whole 'love' thing, especially when it concerns anyone associated with those strawhats!" She pointed out to me, as I went to frown more. "That was different, and you know it." I mumbled, as she shook her head. "Besides, it's just way too soon! You just met the girl, for sweet sake! How do you know if she isn't already some other man's- calm down, big brother..." Brulee lowered her voice, holding her hands up to me, as I felt my body tremble in anger at the very thought of any other man being with MY (y/n).  

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