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I have recently noticed a suspicious pm, and it honestly scared the ghost outta me (cue perona)

And because I am concerned for all yall out there, I just wanna say this; 

if you get a message from some suspicious profile, and they speak in a very unnatural way, and/or they don't mention specifics while talking to you, like what your actual story is about, or the chars involved in the story, DON'T CONVERSE WITH THEM OR CLICK ANY LINKS

This is most likely a robot or somebody shady who wants to do harm to you!!

It's honestly sad that this might actually be a thing, and that there are actually heartless people out there that would do such a thing, but you have to be extra cautious regardless!

Sorry from deviating from the normal story for this PSA, but this just had to be said. I care and respect you guys too much to just brush off a very serious thing like this off. 

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