Technical Difficulties

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(A/N); Merry annual school year, yall! It sucks!~ Hopefully this'll lift your spirits!~

After that little incident, Sanji took shelter in the old kitchen of our old castle/fortress thing. There was still a lot of blanks to fill in... but, with time, I bet it'll all come back to me, eventually...

Me and the gang are now prepping the dining hall for dinner, so it isn't so musty in there. We were all suppose to pitch in, but of course, we had our slackers.

"Luffy, can you please stop playing slip & slide on the floor? The dining hall isn't for playing in!... Trust me, I tried..." I sighed, as the rambunctious male continued to slide across the floor, as he pouted at me. "Aw, c'mon, (y/n)! You should play with us!" He beamed brightly at me, alongside Usopp and Chopper, who were also acting like little kids.

"Don't make (y/n) repeat herself, strawhat. This is her home, and we must respect her rules." Katakuri told the cheeky little fellow, who went to pout even more at his words. "You guys are no fun!" He folded his arms, before turning to me. "When you're my queen, (y/n), you'll need to lighten up and have some fun!" He stomped his foot, as I heard a voice go "tsk tsk".

"You keep saying that with such confidence, but do you even know for sure if fate is with you?" I heard Hawkins out of all people say, as Luffy frowned at him. "I never say what I don't mean, strawman!" He barked at him, as the blond, as per usual, didn't react to his words. "I never brought that into question, strawhat Luffy. What I am merely questioning is how you can be so certain that (y/n) is going to be your pirate queen? Certainly you know that matters have gotten complicated now, haven't you?" He asked him, as I froze in place. Oooohhh craaaappp...

"...What are you trying to say, magician guy? That I am not going to be the pirate king?..." Luffy questioned him seriously, as the atmosphere instantly got tense.

"That's exactly what I am insinuating. Do you believe that just because we have this coalition in place, that it means that the one piece is freely yours for the taking? Don't be naive." He told him, his tone more sterner than it usually is, as Luffy went to glare at him, as well as the rest of his crew. Thiiinkk fasstt, me! This is going to get way out of hand fast, if you don't nip it in the bud, pronto!

"Aren't we jumping way ahead of ourselves, here? Sure, we may technically be on Raftel, but that doesn't mean that you can find the one piece here just yet. Raftel has yet to be revealed in it's true form, and until I figure out how to even make that happen, we aren't going to make any progress on that front." I informed the two, as Hawkins tilted his head towards me, before giving me a very tiny smile. Sure, it made him look even more like an angel, but right now, I was too busy playing peacemaker to really care about that.

"Just as I foreseen..." He mumbled, before chuckling. Okay, now this was getting concerning.

"Hawkins, is that really you?..." I wondered, as he returned back to his stoic self in an instant. "Yes, it is. I apologize for disconcerting you with my amusement of your endearing antics, but you're quite the open book, (y/n). I do not even need to use my cards to tell what you'll do or say next." He informed me, as I ran a finger through a lock of my hair. I wasn't really sure how to process those words of his...

"You're acting creepy as hell, Hawkins. You aren't the man to find the humor in... anything..." Kid pointed out, looking just as concerned as the rest of us, as the blond nodded.

"You're absolutely correct. I do not take kindly to japing, or comedy in general. However, when it concerns the topic of (y/n)... she is in her own category..." He smiled again, as I couldn't help but walk over to him, and go to look him right in his ruby eyes.

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