Firework Festivities

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Jimin discovered that he wasn't that big of a fan of fireworks.

Summer was coming to end, and there was one final thing left on Jimin's bucket list that needed to be completed. The Summer Fair. He had heard his mother talk about it a lot, and was thrilled that he would finally get to make his own memories.

He spent the entire day going on rides with his dad, and eating cotton candy (lot of cotton candy), popcorn, more cotton candy. He even won a stuffed animal at one of the game booths, and clutched to his chest as he followed his parents through the crowd of people.

As night fell, they made their way to the pier, Jimin now clutching a sparkler in his free hand, and his stuffed cat in the other. When it was dark enough, he mother lit it for him, but only after instructing him to hand over the cat to his dad so that it wouldn't catch fire.The stuffed animal was immediately thrust into his father's arms. Jimin's eyes widened in amazement as the space around him lit up."Mom! Look! Look! I'm holding a mini firework in my hand!" he exclaimed. "Aw! It's gone," he pouted, one it went out. His mother laughed.

"They do go out eventually," she explained. Jimin made an 'oh' shape with his mouth.

She lit another one and Jimin was distracted by it for several seconds until the first of the fireworks went off, lighting up the sky. Jimin was quick to clamp his hands over his ears. While the colours were pretty and the shapes mesmerizing, Jimin was not a fan of the sound. He spent most of the evening jumping every time a loud bang resonated in the sky, or with his head tucked into his mother's side.

"Did you have a good summer?" his mother asked, as they walked along the beach, back to their home. Jimin nodded.

"Can we come back next year?" he asked, looking up at his parents with sleepy eyes. He rubbed them with the sleeve of his sweater.

"I don't see why not," his father replied. Jimin smiled tiredly.

"I can't wait to come back,"

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