The Second Summer

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It's during the second summer when Jimin meets Min Yoongi.

They'd arrived at the port a week before, and Jimin was out exploring with his mother when she ran into an old friend of hers."oh my god, it's been years! You look amazing!"

"Me? You look amazing, how have you been!"

"Fantastic, you?"

He clung to her cardigan quietly, listening and watching her interact with her friend. The woman was a bit shorter than his mother and had short black hair that was pinned back neatly, and she wore black leggings and a simple white t-shirt. He glanced at his mother, and took in the sight of her faded blue jeans, simple grey tank top and cream coloured cardigan that had a few holes in it. The woman in front of her didn't seem like the type of friend his mother would have. She was always bubbly and having fun, wanting to try new things, while the woman seemed like the type to stay indoors and talk back to others (which was very rude to do, according to his mother, and that if he should ever do it, he would be in big trouble). Jimin wasn't quite sure he liked this woman or not.

"And who might this be?" The woman finally asked looking down at Jimin. He mother ran a hand gently through his hair,and smiled.

"This is my son, Jimin. Say hi, baby, she won't bite," The woman laughed softly, and gave him a smile.

"Hi," he said, shyly, giving her a wave.

"Hello," she replied. His mother's friend glanced at her. "How old are you, Jimin?" she asked.

"I'm nine,"

"Oh wow, almost double digits. Just like my son," Jimin's mother looked surprised.

"I didn't know you had a son, I thought-"

"Some things change. Mind you, Yoongi wasn't exactly planned for. It doesn't matter, he's the best thing that's ever happened tome."

"Is he here with you?"

"He's around, last time I checked, he and his father were over by the market,"

It was like they were on cue,because the next thing Jimin knew, a man and a boy roughly his age appeared behind her. The younger boy was quick to hide behind his mother, earning a laugh from his father, who smiled at his mother and shook her hand. "I was wondering when I'd get the chance to meet you, I've heard so many stories from my wife,"

Jimin wasn't paying any attention to the adults, his eyes were more focused on the boy behind his mother. His black hair was covering most of his face, and he wore a turquoise sweater that seemed a bit too big for him. His jeans had a tear in the knee, and he wore white sneakers on his feet. Jimin looked down at his own feet, to where his ratty converse were. Despite only being allowed to wear them when he wasn't in school, they'd been pretty worn out by him. He'd have to ask for another pair soon.

"Jimin? Honey?" Jimin peered up at his mother. "This is Yoongi," She motioned to the young boy. Jimin smiled and waved. The boy didn't respond, and only nodded his head back at him.

"Yoongi's not much of a talker," his mother explained."He's also a bit tired from the drive still,"

Yoongi ducked his head at the mention of his name, and Jimin could see his hands tightening around his mother's shirt.

One thing was for sure: while he may not know if he liked his mom's friend or not, he certainly liked her son.

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