The Fifth Summer

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By the fifth summer, Yoongi and Jimin are practically inseparable.

What had turned into an annual thing, had slowly transitioned into something more. The pair had convinced their parents to let them visit during the school year, but only if they kept up their studies. Jimin had spent a couple days at Yoongi's over the Christmas break, and Yoongi had come to stay with Jimin for spring break.

Jimin had arrived at the port a few days before Yoongi had, so the moment he had unpacked and settled in, he was racing down to the pier to try and find his best friend. And as usual, he found him by the edge, gazing out into the water, with his sketchbook propped up on his lap. "Hey," Yoongi breathed out, doubling over on the pier. Jimin let out a cry of surprise, almost dropping his pencil.

"Hyung!" He whined. "You scared me!"

Yoongi laughed. "S-Sorry, Jiminie," he apologized. The younger rolled his eyes.

"I guess you're forgiven," he replied, packing away his supplies and stuffing them into his bag. Yoongi waited patiently for him to finish before pulling him into a hug. Jimin gladly accepted, leaning into the older boys side. Jimin could feel him instantly relax against him. He had come to notice that Yoongi only did that around him.

"G-Guess what?" Yoongi said, pulling Jimin up into his lap.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"W-We got a puppy,"


"Yeah! His n-name is Holly, and he's su-super c-cute," Jimin shifted in Yoongi's lap, peering up at him.



"You're getting better,"

"With what?"

"You're speech."

Yoongi felt both embarrassed and proud. His cheeks heated up as he looked away from Jimin. "Yeah?" he asked.

"Mmm," was Jimin's response. "You don't struggle as much with simple sentences, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," Yoongi mumbled softly. Jimin nodded, and then picked himself up, grabbing his bag in one hand, and Yoongi's hand in the other.

"Come on, it's been boring without you here, I wanna do something,"

"Like what?" Yoongi asked, getting to his feet.

"Um...what would you like to do?"

"Wanna wa-watch a m-movie?"


 Yoongi smiled. He loved summers. But he was pretty sure he loved Park Jimin more.

Summer Lovin | Yoonmin ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora