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JIMIN HAD TO WATCH WHERE HE STEPPED AS HE WALKED INTO HIS DORM ROOM TOWARDS TAEHYUNG. The boy was visibly shaken by the mess, and Jimin didn't hesitate to bring him into his arms. "Are you okay?" he whispered to him. Taehyung nodded his head.

"Are you okay? You sure you weren't here?" Taehyung questioned.

"No, Yoongi and I have been together all day. We went to mum's for dinner." Jimin explained. From behind them, Yoongi, and Jungkook surveyed the mess around them.

"What the fuck," was all Jungkook had to say as his eyes scanned the room. Yoongi didn't say anything. He only nodded.

Most of the mess was compiled of Jimin's things. Taehyung's room had only been mildly tossed. Mostly his clothes were on the floor, with the occasional object and his school things. Jimin's on the other hand had been completely torn apart. His clothes were all over the place,his bed was unmade, his school bag and supplies were all over the room. The cupboard in the kitchenette had been opened, and there were several broken mugs. The room was an absolute disaster. But what really bothered Jimin was that his art had been tampered with. Some of his paintings were trashed – only smaller paintings and drawings, thank god for that. It was his sketchbooks that were really messed with. Pages had been torn out of several different books. Almost as if someone had been looking for something specific.

The cops showed up ten minutes later, and following them were Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin. Hoseok seemed just as visibly shaken as Jimin and Taehyung, but Namjoon and Jin tried to keep their composure for the other's sake. Hoseok pulled both of them into a hug when he arrived,looking around the room with shock. Jin went to go stand with them while the cops took statements, and Namjoon moved to stand next toJungkook and Yoongi.

"What the fuck happened here?" Namjoon asked, motioning to the mess on the floor. Papers upon papers were scattered by his feet.

"Someone was looking for something," Jungkook explained in a quiet voice. "And I don't think they found it,"

"And they mainly went for Jimin's things," Yoongi added through gritted teeth. "Most of his artwork is lying everywhere, he's really upset by it,"

"Jesus Christ, is he okay? He wasn't here when it-"

"God no, we were at the dorm. Taehyung called us at one ish. He wanted to know if Jimin was okay, because this is what he came back to," Yoongi said. "Whoever is was obviously is pissed at Jimin,"

"Well then it's obvious isn't it?" Jungkook growled.

"What do you mean?"

"Jimin and you are together right?"


"Well then who do you think would go through all this trouble?"

Yoongi clenched his jaw. "Mark."

"Exactly. He must have seen the two of you leaving your dorm or out and about today, and got pissed off."

"Goddammit," He hissed. Yoongi's blood boiled in his veins, and he turned to grab the nearest cop to tell him what happened when Jimin's soft cries caught his attention. The younger was picking up torn pieces of paper of the ground, and cradling them against his chest. Yoongi's heart broke a little bit as he cautiously moved towards him,gently bringing him against his body, and holding him there. "Hey,it's gonna be okay, don't cry," Yoongi whispered to him, kissing the top of his head.

"But my art-" Jimin whimpered.

"I know baby, I know, but let's be thankful it's the art that's hurt and not you," Yoongi breathed, hugging Jimin a little more tightly. "You can always make more art, and I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. You can replace these, you can't replace yourself," Jimin nodded a little and curled against him.

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