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YOONGI IS EXHAUSTED AND DRENCHED IN SWEAT BY THE TIME PRACTICE IS OVER. The front of his jersey is soaked, and he could really use a shower, but he'd have to wait until he got back to the dorm, because they guys on his team took forever to shower after practice and always took up the hot water. He hated to shower with cold water, especially in the winter. His legs were sore, as was his shoulder. He'd taken a side hit today during practice while blocking one of the guys on his team from scoring. He was going to have a large bruise there in the morning he figured. He was tired and ready to go home and sleep.Thankfully for him, practice was ending.

He filed into the line, making his way to the change room. He could overhear the guys talking about going out tonight for drinks, which was a norm for them, especially when they had an upcoming game. De-stressing was like a pre game ritual for them. "Suga you coming tonight?" one of the guys called to him. He shook his head, sweat dripping down his face as he faced Jackson.

"Nah,not tonight," he replied, pulling his shirt off. "I've got a class early tomorrow, otherwise you know I would." He grabbed the clean one from his gym bag. "Have a drink for me though, would  you?"

"You know it." Jackson grinned. He grabbed his towel from his locker,winked at him, and took off to the showers. Yoongi grabbed his own towel and did his best to dry his hair so that it wouldn't freeze out in the cold weather. He was dreading the walk back to the dorm. He changed as quickly as he could, and grabbed his hat and coat.

"Leaving so soon?" A voice called. He rolled his eyes.

"What's it to you Mark?" he asked, turning to face him. Mark lent up against the porcelain wall with a smirk. He had his towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair was soaking wet.

"No reason," the man replied. "Just think it's a little funny, you being the sporty type, and here you are trying to get a good nights sleep for your music class tomorrow," he snickered. Yoongi glared at him. He didn't like Mark. He'd played basketball with him for years now, and ever since they first met, he had always had it out for him. Mark didn't like him one bit. Said he didn't fit it, whether it be because he had tattoos galore, because he smoked, did underground rap battles or because he could play the piano. Yoongi always felt like Mark was giving him the ultimatum silently.Basketball or music, but not both.

"I don't see how what I am studying is any of your concern," Yoongi snapped.

"Watch your tone," Mark growled.

"Or what? You'll kick me off the team? You're not the captain Mark, Hyun-Woo is. If you have a problem with me that's your fault," Mark scowled.

"I'd be careful if I were you Min Suga, one day that attitude is going to bite you in the ass,"

"Well until that day comes, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and your nose out of my life," Yoongi slipped his coat on and swiftly exited the change room.

Yoongi was frozen solid by the time he returned to his dorm. Namjoon was sitting at the small kitchen table that was there, with his theory book propped open in front of him. He had a test next week, and was studying like a mad man. Yoongi knew he needed to go over his musical history notes for his up coming quiz but he would do that later.First, he needed to shower. He dropped his gym bag on the ground and shrugged off his coat, boots and hat. "Jin dropped by," Namjoon said, flipping the page of his textbook. He didn't bother looking up at him. "Food's in the fridge,"

"God bless Jin," Yoongi mumbled, heading into his room. He dug aroundfor a clean pair of sweats and a towel, so that he could shower. When he exited the room, Namjoon was standing by the door, arms crossed.

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