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YOONGI LET OUT A HEAVY SIGH AS HE RESTED HIS HEAD IN HIS HANDS. He'd messed up on his song for what felt like the hundredth. All morning,he'd been having problems focusing, and it was all Jimin's fault.

He woke up in a daze, wondering if the night before had actually happened. He thought on it while he showered, dressed, and ate something for breakfast. Just has he was beginning to think he had been dreaming about it, he received a text from the younger.

To: Suga
Was I dreaming about last night? Or do you and I really go to the same school?

That was all the proof he needed for him to believe that yesterday had actually happened, and it set in motion for one dazed morning. It started off with him walking too far on Campus, and realizing that he had missed his building, resulting in him being late for his first class. Thankfully his professor was the nicest person, and was all the more forgiving towards him. "Everybody is late at some point Mr. Min, especially after a long holiday, don't fret. Have a seat please," He tried his best to concentrate on the lesson, but Yoongi knew damn well that he was going to have to ask Vernon, a friend of his from High School, to break things down for him later on. He didn't catch a single word from the lesson, and his note taking that morning was terrible.

Yoongi found himself in a state of Deja Vu later on that morning as he made his way to practice. Once again, he missed his building and was late to practice.. This earned himself a smug look from Mark. He tried his best to focus during their practice games, but he had to bench himself halfway through to clear his mind. Mark looked all to pleased seeing him sitting their. His coach was a little worried. "Yoongi? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just dealing with a personal problem, I'll be okay Coach, don't worry about it,"

"You sure?"



Yoongi sat on the bench for a good chunk of the practice that morning. The entire time he ran different scenarios through his head about how he could tell Jimin. He did tell Namjoon he would do it if they went out for coffee or something, but Yoongi was beginning to doubt himself.He was never good at explaining things. What if Jimin didn't believe that it was him? How would he prove it to him? It made him frustrated. Maybe you should just let Namjoon do it, He thought to himself. And just deal with the aftermath of it...yeah that could work, but Yoongi hated the idea of Jimin having to find it out from someone else and not him. He should be the one to tell him, not Namjoon. After almost an hour or so of thinking, Yoongi got up and was able to finish practice with no problems.

It wasn't until he got to the music room that he started having problems focusing again. Their assignment over the Christmas break was to write a song about something personal in your life. Yoongi had wrote one about Jimin, unbeknownst to him that they were attending the same school. So when the time came for him to play it, and make any changes, he was having trouble concentrating. He kept messing up the chords, and he found himself staring at the keys for several minutes without doing anything. He didn't realize how late it was getting,nor that he was practically the only one left in the music room besides a girl he didn't know all to well. Yoongi thought her name might be Wendy, and she was a violinist, but that was all he knew about her.

Yoongi pushed himself away from the piano, and groaned in frustration. His eyes trailed over to where the clock was. It read quarter to seven.He'd been in there for almost five hours. Five hours and he hadn't been able to play the song once. Jimin had been running through his mind all day, and he do anything because of it.

"I thought I would find you in here,"

Yoongi peered over his shoulder. Namjoon was staring down at him with a gentle look. He looked cold, and his glasses were slipping down the bridge of his nose. "Sorry, I didn't realize how late it was," Yoongi muttered in response. He began to gather up his books, and shove them in his bag.

"You look angry,"

"I am,"


"Because I can't fucking do anything right today!" Yoongi shouted, throwing his bag on the ground. "He's been running through my mind all fucking day Namjoon. I couldn't concentrate at all during my morning lecture, I was late to practice, and on top of that I had to fucking bench myself because of it. I was damn near ready to kill Mark over it. I also haven't been able to get through my song once. Not once!I'm going fucking insane over him,"

"You need to-"

"I know damn well that I need to fucking tell him Namjoon, don't start with me," The older fumed. Yoongi ran a hand through his hair. "I b-been th-th-thinking about it a-all d-day and I-" Yoongi closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Namjoon placed a cold hand on his shoulder. He hadn't heard Yoongi stutter for quite some time now."I'm afraid he'll hate me," Yoongi whispered. "I'm not the same person I was five years ago, Namjoon, I'm different. What if he doesn't want this version of me? Hell, what if he's moved on? How do I know he's not already taken?"

"Ask him," Namjoon said. "Ask him out on a date and see how he responds," Yoongi nodded. Namjoon let out his own sigh. "Come on,I think you need to blow off some steam,"

Yoongi and Namjoon waded through the crowd of people, loud music booming all around them. Neon lights flashed, illuminating the dark club. It was like being back at the party, girls grinding on boys, boys grinding on girls, couples making out in dark corners and in the middle of the crowds. The cold weather wasn't stopping anyone this evening, as the room was packed tight. A girl and boy were up on the stage, rapping like their lives depended on it. Yoongi immediately recognized the girl, Jessi. Yoongi had known her for almost four years now, they started rapping together at the club when they were both new comers,and had built a pretty good friendship since then. She gave him and Namjoon a wink and a smile before bringing her own mic up to his lips and started on her verse. The crowd went wild as she did. Yoongi was proud of how far she had come.

"Namjoon! Suga!" A tall boy with dark hair and dressed in a red flannel and torn jeans shoved his way through the crowd towards them, holding his red solo cup high above his head.

"Chanyeol is that you!?" Namjoon hollered over the music. The boy grinned at him. "I thought you were in America?!"

"I just got back!" Chanyeol grinned. "How have you two been?!"

"Pretty good, you?"

"I'm just fantastic! Are you going up on stage tonight?!"

"Possibly, Suga here needs to blow off some steam. It's been a rough day,"

"Jeez, you might need this more than me," Chanyeol stated, and passed his cup to Yoongi. He gave him an appreciative look, and down the cup in one go. "WOO LOOK AT HIM GO, LET'S GET CRAZY TONIGHT!"

Two cups of beer and several shots later, Namjoon and Yoongi both found themselves on stage as a team, going against Chanyeol and Chanyeol's boyfriend Sehun. The four of them were going at it, and the crowd was loving it. Yoongi forgot all about his little problem with Jimin, and was able to let loose for the first time that day and de-stress.Being on stage was therapeutic for him, it was his escape, it always had been. He was by no means in any way a singer, but rapping, it was something he was good at. That was how he expressed himself, how he was able to get his message across without stuttering. It was how he met Namjoon, and finally was able to find decent friends in his hometown. It made him more social, more outgoing, not as afraid.

Yoongi dropped his mic as he finished his verse, and panted. Namjoon wrapped an arm around his neck, and ruffled his hair. The crowd was cheering loudly, and he knew that he and Namjoon had one. There would be no hard feelings between him, Chanyeol and Sehuh. It was all for fun and games, to just let loose. He could see Jessi in the crowd cheering them on. Yoongi just wished Jimin could have been there to see it to.

anybody else dreading the return to school?
also...I hope this is good enough for you guys, love you all

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