Keep You Safe

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Min Yoongi loved fireworks. He loud the loud noises, and the bright, flashing lights, and the many colours that lit up the night sky. He likes the shapes they made, and the funny sounds – like the sizzling ones – that sounded every time one was set off. He'd always been fascinated by fireworks growing up. He thought they were pretty. What he didn't like however, was the cries that escaped Jimin's pretty pink lips every time someone did set one off, or the way he clasped his hands over his ears, because of how loud they were.

He didn't think too much of it when Jimin's mother had pulled him aside before they had left, and told him not to be surprised if Jimin got upset tonight. He couldn't imagine why something he'd been looking forward too all summer would cause him to be upset. But then he thought that maybe it was because it signified the end of the summer, and Jimin was always sad about that because it usually meant that it would be a long time before either of them would see each other again. Yoongi always had to pry the younger off him because he was sad to see him go. Last summer was hard for him. He had to force himself to let go of the younger in fear that he might never let go, or worse, kiss him and scare the poor kid away.

Yoongi forgot all about his conversation with Mrs. Park the moment Jimin came bouncing out of his room, all ready for the fair, and practically dragged him out of the house. They went on rides, and Jimin somehow managed to drag Yoongi onto the Ferris Wheel on the condition that he held his hand the hold time. Yoongi could feel his heart racing as Jimin led him into the little compartment, and sat across from him. "S-S-Sit next to m-m-me," Yoongi demanded,glancing around with fear.

"No, if I sit across from you, you can look at me, and then you won't have anywhere else to look. You won't be distracted then and want to look down." Jimin said. Yoongi could have sworn his face turned as red as a tomato, but Jimin said nothing, and never once did he let go of his hand. It was only as they were walking down the pier to get a good look at the fireworks did Yoongi notice was something wrong. Jimin had fallen quiet and he was squeezing his hand tighter than usual. To the point where it almost was painful.

They stopped walking once the reached the end of the pier, and Yoongi spun Jimin around so that he was facing him. The younger didn't look up at him. "Are y-you okay, Jimin? Y-You're moms-s-said you m-might get uh-uh-upset to-tonight."

"I'm not upset Hyung, I-"

Yoongi was distracted momentarily when the first firework of the night went off, but instantly brought his attention back to Jimin when he heard a soft cry. The younger had his hands clasped over his ears. "J-Jimin?" Yoongi bent down slightly, trying to look at Jimin's face, but he had his head down. Another firework went off,and this one was loud enough to make Jimin jump. Yoongi wasted no time bringing him in for a hug, arms going around his neck, and holding him against this chest. Jimin slid his arms around Yoongi's waist, securing himself there. "W-Why didn't you tell m-me you di-di-didn't like fire-wu-wu-works?"

"Because you said you liked them, and- and, I wanted you to have fun tonight too," Jimin cried against his sweater, which muffled the sound of his voice. Yoongi sighed, nuzzling his face against the top of Jimin's head.

"But th-th-they upset y-y-you," Yoongi stated. "I don't want that,"

"I'm sorry," Jimin sniffled.

"It's oh-oh-kay Jimin," Yoongi responded. With one hand, Yoongi rubbed soothing circles on his back, and making sure to squeeze him a little tighter each time a firework sounded in the night sky. "Shh," Yoongi whispered to him. "I-I-I'll always k-keep you safe,"

"Promise?" Jimin whispered back.

 "I promise,"

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