Back On The Pier

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Jimin sat quietly at the edge of the pier, idly doodling in his sketchbook. After the last summer they were here, Jimin spent quite some time drawing boats back home. It had gotten to the point that Jimin's mother went out and bought his a sketchbook so he would stop using the printer paper at home.

 He sighed contently as the wind blew through his hair, the scent of the ocean filling his nose. A year later and the pier was still his favourite place to spend time during the summer. August had finally rolled around, and Jimin had spent at least 90% of his time down here. The other 10% he had been in the company of Yoongi, who still hadn't said a word to him. He mostly sat there and listened to him talk. The boy was two years older than him, and Jimin felt slightly nervous in his company because he didn't know whether or not Yoongi actually liked him. Never said a word, didn't make eye contact with him, and didn't wave when he said goodbye to him. Jimin was beginning to think Yoongi hated him.

He was sketching away quietly, unbeknownst that Yoongi was coming up the pier behind him. His mother had suggested that he get out of the house, and to her surprise, he asked where he might find Jimin. She rang his mother who told her that he was down at the pier. Yoongi was slipping on his shoes and out the door in seconds.

He found him resting against the edge, with a sketchbook propped open in his lap, and a drawing of a sailboat on the page. Yoongi silently sat down next to him. Jimin jumped in his spot, slamming the book close. Yoongi let out a very quiet laugh, and Jimin's heart slowed when he realized that it was just Yoongi and not a stranger.He offered him a smile, and shifted, allowing him some more room on the pier. Yoongi tucked his legs up underneath him, and bowed his head, fiddling with his fingers that rested in his lap.

Jimin set aside his sketchbook, and shifted once more so that he face facing Yoongi. "You know, you don't talk much," Jimin stated, brushing some of his hair out of his face. Yoongi raised his head, his gaze meeting Jimin's.

"I h-h-have a stuh-stuh-stutter," Yoongi explained. Jimin's eyes widened. Yoongi's voice was soft, not like the other boys back home who were older than him. Their voices were high pith and loud or annoying. Yoongi's wasn't. It was calming, soft, graceful.

"Oh...I thought you didn't talk to me because..." Jimin trailed off,looking away from Yoongi.


"I thought I was being annoying," Jimin explained, looking down at his own hands.

"N-No,I like your c-c-company," Yoongi reassured. Jimin's head shot back up, a big grin on his face.

"Really?!" Yoongi nodded.

"I like t-to listen to y-you t-t-talk," Yoongi told him. "It's n-nice." Jimin beamed.

The pier just got a whole lot better.

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