Pier Pleasure

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Jimin's sitting on the edge of the pier, staring out at the boats, sketchbook propped open in his lap. He's not drawing the boats for once, he's drawing Yoongi instead. A smiling Yoongi because Jimin thinks that he doesn't smile enough, and that the only time he really sees him smile is in his drawings. Yoongi, like usual, comes up behind him quietly, and peers over his shoulder. He hums in approval,looking down at Jimin's drawing. Jimin no longer jumps in fear. He's used to it at this point. The close proximity of Yoongi, and his warm breath on the back of his neck. Yoongi seats himself behind Jimin,legs on either side of him. The younger could lean comfortably against his chest if he weren't hunched over instead, drawing.

"Why a-a-are you always druh-druh-druh-" Yoongi closed his eyes and swallowed. "Drawing me?" he chokes out.

"Because I like drawing you," Jimin mutters in response."Helps me remember what you look like when I go home, and can't see you for a while,"

"Hmm," is Yoongi's response. He nuzzles his nose against the nape of Jimin's neck, his lips brushing against the soft skin.

He's closing his sketchbook minutes later, but only after showing Yoongi the final product. "I like it," Yoongi states."Y-You're ge-ge-getting mu-much better,"

"Thanks Hyung," Jimin beams, shoving his notebook into his bag. He moves it aside, and finally leans back against Yoongi's chest. He's too far forwards, so Yoongi ends up wrapping his arms around his waist, and pulling him up into his lap. This is great for Yoongi because it means he gets to hold Jimin, closely, if he might add, and it gives him an excuse to be touching it. It's also terrible for Yoongi because Jimin is a bit figity at times, and he keeps shifting in Yoongi's lap. It's kinda hard for him to not be thinking the thoughts that are running through his head. He can't help the fact that he gets undeniably horny around the younger, and the fact that Jimin is constantly rubbing against him right now isn't helping.

Yoongi's quick to grab his hips, pulling him up a bit farther on his lap. He doesn't the quiet gasp from Jimin as he does so, or the fact that his fingers have somehow managed to slip under his shirt and his cold fingers and pressing against his warm skin. Jimin's back is pressed right against Yoongi's chest, and he can feel Yoongi's lips against the back of his head. He swallows hard, and he's so thankful that Yoongi can't see that he's blushing wildly or hear how fast his heart is beating in his chest right now.

 Yoongi's just praying the younger doesn't notice the fact that he's got a boner.

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