Q&A Answers

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Jimin: .......yoongi please don't kill me but, jimine I love you.... how r you? Wedding plans all good? R you taking care of yourself, is yoongi taking care of himself? What do you work as? What did you original imagine your love life as? Please be happy! You deserve it!
I'm doing good despite all that has happened, and yes, we are both taking care of ourselves. Wedding plans are super good for us. I currently work as a dance instructor teaching little kids to dance, they're all so cute! As for imagining my love life, this is definitely not it. I figured it would go much more smoother, and I dreamed about one of those silly fairy tale romances. I suppose you could call Yoongi a prince, but he's a very confused one and took his time getting here.

Yoongi: YOONGI!!! hi! Hows life? Wedding plans? OH! what's the most stressful thing about the wedding? I know you feel better without mark/j around, but did u feel guilty, like really bad or were you just mad that you let your guard down? BUT BESIDES THAT HOWS ADULT LIFE! aka, what do u work as? ONE MORE! Hows jiminie?
Life's doing much better for us now that things have cooled over. I think the most stressful thing about the wedding is trying to get all the invitations out. Hoseok's been a big help with that. And there is a part of me that feels bad for Jaehyun, but he hurt Jimin, so I don't think too much on the subject. I feel more guilty that I wasn't there for Chim when he needed me. As for work, I'm currently undergoing an internship with a music company. And Jimin is doing just fine at the moment, thank you for asking.

Hoseok: Hello PRECIOUS ray of sunshine and hope? How r u? How did you meet Jimin? And what were your original thoughts about dating your 2 hubbies?
HI!! I'm doing really good, thanks for asking. Jimin and I met in our first year of school. We were in the same dorm together, and then we also signed up for dance class together, so we spent a lot of time in the studio. My original thought about dating two men instead of one were like, 'damn, so I get twice the amount of love an attention? yes please,' the idea didn't bother me at all. I'm a needy boy

Namjoon: How many times did you want to smack yoongi senseless? R you boyfriend's finally stress free? R YOU stress free? In general r u all safe and happy now? How exactly did you meet yoongi and jin?
there were a lot of times that I wanted to smack Yoongi senseless because he just wouldn't tell Jimin and that's very stressful. Yes, me and my boys are completely stress free...to an extent. Jinnie and Hoseok are trying to help Jimin plan for the wedding, so there's a little bit of stress there, but overall, we're stress fee, and we're safe and Happy. Jin and I met in high school, and Yoongi and I met in an underground rap club when we were teens.

Jin: BE MORE IN THE STORY, you're one of my favs T^T! Also any advice on cooking, good looks, AND spoil your loved ones. BUT MY MAIN QUESTION IS: you were so stressed throughout the story and I'm sorry about that, so are you more at ease and relaxed now?
Blame the author >.> My advice for cooking is if at first you don't succeed, try try again. Unless you're Namjoon, then you should just stop because you'll hurt yourself. Good looks is to look in a mirror, say you look good, and that's that. As for spoiling your loved ones, listen to what they like, showing an interests in their hobbies, and overall just be there for them. And yes, I am more relaxed now that everything has passed.

Taehyung: How did you meet Kook? Was it smooth, comical, or normal, Or WAS IT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! Also I wanted you to be more in the story T^T so what did you do?
Kook and I met in our first year of high school, he was the cute new freshman. I would think that for me it was love at first sight, but it took him a while to warm up to me. And it was nowhere near smooth, I was so awkward around him.

Jungkook: I wish you were in the story more T^T What would you do Taehyung got kidnapped? So it's a scary question, I just wanna know if how you would approach the situation? Plot twist, Taehyung isn't missing. But you didn't pay attention to when he said he was going to the store! Also! HOW DID YOU MEET TAEHYUNG? sorry if it's in the story
again, blame the author that I'm not in the story. If Taehyung got kidnapped, I would probably be a nervous wreck, and cry a lot. I would try and do everything in my power to get him back. And Taehyung and I met in high school. I was in his biology class, and we got paired up for a project together. It was quite obvious that he had a crush on me, but he was really respectful and didn't try to force me into anything. We hung out a lot, and he didn't make any moves on me, but he did compliment me. It was nice though. Eventually, I just gave into my real feelings, because how could you not love him?

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