Sleepless Nights

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Jimin didn't need to be an adult to realize that something wasn't right. His parents always said that kids were often too young to understand some of the things that happen to them. They won't fully realize things properly or understand until they're in their teens or older. But Jimin, at age 12, didn't need to be a teenager or an adult to know that he...well, that he liked boys a little more than he liked girls.

He distinctly remembered going on "dates" with girls in school.And by that, there was always some girl asking him to a dance or school event, and he always went with them because it was the polite thing to do. But he never got a rush like the other boys. Mark, a boy in his grade, and been really giddy when Jihyun, a girl who was also in their grade, asked him to a dance. Jimin, on the other hand felt perfectly normal when he went with Jennie. He also felt perfectly fine being around the other boys in his grade. But when it came down to being with Yoongi, Jimin felt different. He craved spending time with the older, he liked being held by him, he enjoyed holding his hand. Jimin liked Yoongi, liked him a lot more than he thought he should, and it scared him.

And it didn't help that Yoongi was asleep next to him, arms wrapped around his waist, and his face pressed against the back of his neck. Yoongi was fast asleep, and Jimin was wide awake. This happened every time Yoongi spent the night. Jimin couldn't sleep, he was too busy thinking about Yoongi. Yoongi this and Yoongi that.

Was it wrong? He wondered. To like a boy this much. Maybe he'd ask his parents. But that was for another time. Until then, Jimin would go on to like Yoongi secretly. Because in his mind, if nobody knew, it was okay to like him.

 Maybe it was okay to even love him.

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