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REGRET. Jimin regretted agreeing to come to his party with Hoseok, even if it meant he was back in the port. The younger could suddenly think of several things that he could have done, that would be much better than this.It wasn't his scence...girls were grinding on boys, couples were making out in the corners. Hell,one guy, who Jimin could have sworn was a football player by the sizeof him, had pinned a much smaller guy against the wall and had his hand down his sweats. The younger didn't seem to mind, he was too busy kissing him to care.There was obnoxiously loud music and people cheering. He though he heard somebody yell CHUG! Early on in the night, but he wasn't too sure anymore. People were constantly passing by him as he sat on the couch, clutching the red solo cup in his hand like his life depended on it. He hadn't set it down since receiving it. He was paranoid someone might spike it on him, and he'd wake up tied to someone's bed, naked and confused. He didn't need a repeat of last time where Taehyung had managed to get him into bed. Despite the whole incident, however, he couldn't deny that Taehyung was a great kisser...and good with his mouth.

He uncomfortably pressed himself against the arm rest of the couch as a couple flopped down next to him. The guy was resting on top of her,sucking harshly on her neck. The loud music didn't do much to cover the sounds of her pitiful moaning, and Jimin suddenly wished he were farther away from the couch, perhaps in a corner, or on the stairs where nobody would bother him. Luckily for him the couple didn't seem to enjoy their spot on the couch and were gone just as quick as they were there. Jimin spotted them rushing up the stairs, a wide grin on her face, and a smug grin on his. A couple guys clapped him on the shoulder in congratulations. Jimin made a face and went back to his drink. He made another face as he drained half the cup in one go.There was too much vodka, not enough orange juice for his liking, but what did he expect? It was a party – a college party, at that.

At some point during the night, Jimin had lost Hoseok in the crowd of people, and thought he might have seen him standing with a group of people who were getting ready to play spin the bottle, but he wasn't quite sure, because he had parked himself on the couch and wasn't ready to move unless he had too. He wondered if Hoseok would notice if he left or not, and went back to his parent's place. Jimin had managed to snag the key off his dad before they left, and Jimin had explained that they were going to spend the last week at the port instead of at home. His mother gave him a grateful look that pretty much stated, "I'm so glad you're getting out of the house,". Maybe he could just lie and said he stayed the whole time and that he had brought him home at the end of the night. Knowing Hoseok, he was probably going to be shitfaced drunk by then and wouldn't remember much. Then again, he would have felt bad for leaving him all alone,and he didn't want his best friend going home with some stranger that could possibly kill him. Jimin sighed. It looked like he was stuck there until Hoseok was ready to go home. He drained his cup, and the dared to leave the comfort of the couch to get another. He was in for a long night.

* * *

BREATHTAKING. He was absolutely breathtaking. He wasn't quite sure he'd seen anything like him before in his life...well, maybe only once, but he was only a boy back then, so he wasn't going to count it.

He looked out of place, wedge between two couples making out on the couch, wearing ripped jeans and a pastel pink sweater. Hands wrapped tightly around his drink. It was slightly amusing, watching him interact with his surroundings. He would cringe when the couples got to close, or how he would be constantly searching for someone, but always failed to find him.

Suga raised his own red solo cup to his lips and took a long sip. The bitter liquid ran down his throat, but at this point his barely noticed the taste. He'd had a few beers at this point, and so the burning sensation he got from drinking did little to bother him. He shifted on spot, leaning back against the wall, and making his own disgruntled expression when a rowdy boy pinned a short blonde against the wall and practically shoved his tongue down her throat. He rolled his eyes at them, and focused his attention back on the boy.

He was glancing up from his phone, and then back down at it, and then back up so his eyes could peer around the room. He wondered who he was looking for. His friend? A girlfriend? Boyfriend? It was quite possible that he hadn't come alone. Not when he's that pretty, he thought to himself.

A strong arm wrapped around his shoulder, and he didn't have to turn his head to look to see who it was. He could tell by the deep laugh that resonated in his ear. "What'cha looking at?" Namjoon shouted over the music. Suga nodded in the direction of the boy, and Namjoon followed his gaze. When his eyes rested on him, he snorted. "Him?"he asked in disbelief.

Suga nodded. "Well, I mean, he is cute, but....he's not really your type. He looks too innocent...too sweet, too-"

"Soft" Suga finished for him. It was Namjoon's turn to nod.

"Yeah,"he mumbled. "soft."

They lapsed into silence until Suga drained all that was in his cup, chucked it in the trash, and rolled the sleeves of his sweater up."What are you doing?" Namjoon questioned, eyes lifting slightly from his phone.

"I'm going to talk to him,"

"Don't scare him away," Namjoon teased, as he strode towards him. He flipped him off in the process.

Up close, he was even more breathtakingly beautiful than he could have imagined. He had chubby cheeks, and soft lips, and a cute nose, and Suga could feel himself falling even harder for him. He was like an angel on his earth, and he wanted to be selfish and keep him to himself. He perched himself on the edge of the couch, and chuckled."Do you normally look this uncomfortable at parties?" he asked the boy, startling him. He turned his head to look at him, eyes peering up at him. Suga swallowed. Goddamn it, he's fucking adorable.

"Do you normally stare at people when you come to parties?" he retorted, giving him a mischievous look.

"Just the pretty ones," he replied, smiling back. The boy's face turned red. "You're new here, never seen you around before,"

"I wouldn't say I'm new. It's been a few years since I've been here,"

"Hmmm, that would explain it,"

"What about you? Do you normally come here?"

"Every summer,"

"That's dedication,"

"Hmmm," Suga twirled the ring on his forefinger. "You got a name dollface?"he asked. The boy turned red again.

"Dollface is just fine," he replied, embarrassed. Suga guessed that it was the alcohol that was making him confident.

"Do you normally let boys call you dollface?" he teased, leaning in a bit. The younger tilted his head up a little.

"Only the pretty ones," He whispered back, smirking. Suga chuckled.

"Wanna go somewhere else? You look like you're ready to kill the next couple that makes out next to you," He giggled, nodding his head.

 "Where did you have in mind?"

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