2 || Shock

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«────── « ⋅∘◦✿◦∘⋅ » ──────»

"Interesting." Jisung says, not taking his eyes off the road. "But then again, aren't the robot's programmed at this company eyes supposed to be either green or brown? You know, how robot eyes take colour of how they feel emotion."

I looked out the window. "Yeah, Chan was confused too, it's not everyday you see a robot with blue irises."

"You have a point." He says, preparing to park. "Maybe you could ask to work with him. It would show the company that you have initiative." He took a few quick seconds to turn to me and flash the "ok" finger circle.

I sigh. "As much as I would like to, they'll probably say no. No company let's a new recruit deal with these things. He's an ex-terrorist robot, which means he's probably quite, no, very dangerous."

My eyebrows crinkle, as my mind faded back to the memory of yesterday.

Your eyes... Why were they so cold?

He parks the car and gets out the moment he does so, and he even comes over to my side of the vehicle to open my door for me. "Well, Hwamin, you'll just have to show them that you can handle it!" He smiles triumphantly.

I chuckle, not quite sure if Jisung actually gets the depths of it.

Sometimes, this squirrel boi is just an innocent child who believes the most in his friends.

And sometimes I love that for him.

"Come on, let's go." I gently grab his hand, pulling him into the building with me.

He nods, and carries his head low. The moment we step inside though-

"Chan hyung!" He yells across the room. "Hwamin wants to ask you something!" His voice echoes through the building, bouncing off walls to reach the ears of the young senior standing quite far away from us.

I flinch.

This boy has one big pair of lungs.

"Hmmm?" Cup of coffee in hand, Chan strolls over to me. "Hwamin, do you need something?"

"Ah? Oh, it's nothing." I breathe out, averting my gaze. Although I've thought about it, this request just seems kind of unrealistic.

Jisung sends me a quick glance, and I can tell he is a little disappointed. "Sorry, Chan." He says. "I'll just get going to my desk.."

"Yeah, sorry." I crack a little smile, giving them both of them a apologetic look.

I then proceeded to walk away, giving Chan and Jisung a small little wave and a smile as I left to go to my assigned work station; when walking along the lab, My eyes caught something interesting.

It was another chamber, as my eyes were immediately drawn over to the person inside.

"Lee know?" My eyes widen. What are you doing confined in there? I strain my neck above the crowd of lab workers, looking for someone who might've been in charge. That was when my eyes landed on an authoritarian figure. "Excuse me... pardon me, please.. excuse-ah." I mumbled as I pushed my way through the crowd. They were surprisingly compliant, but I had only stopped when I came across a line of yellow caution tape across the floor.

The man in charge looked at me with a deadly glance, and strided over. "Excuse me, Miss," he paused to read the tiny little name plaque on my clothes. "Hwamin. This is a restricted area, coders only."

Chan walked over from another entrance, and his face went pale when he saw me. He rushed over. "Hwamin, what are you doing here? It's dangerous to be around 107."

"107... why's he in there?" I pressed on, my heart racing. I definitely shouldn't have kept on with my interrogation, knowing very well that the consequences could be heavy, but I did. "How is he dangerous if he's in confinement?"

"Miss, you'll have to leave." The M. I. C. (man in charge, to keep it simple) said, sounding annoyed. "Chan, please get Hwamin out of here." He strode off, going to deal with more pressing matters.

"Hwamin, he's right. You have no business being here." Chan said hurriedly. He sounded panicked. "Just get to work."

I turned to walk back through the crowd, when I heard a switch flick. It seemed like the robot had been powered on? "What are they doing-?" I asked, my heart suddenly falling down to the pit of my stomach when I saw them pull a lever, making actual bolts of electricity bounce off the containment chamber.

The lights flickered on and off.

Unprepared shouts echoed off the walls.

There was a moment of silence.

The lights turned back on for good. I felt a breeze as everyone collectively sighed of relief.

However, inside the chamber was a wreck. It was full of black puffy smoke- the kind that had the possibility to kill you if you inhaled enough- and you yourself was a crumpled pile on the floor.

What on Earth did they do?

I rushed forwards, being slightly pushed by a few other lab workers. They were going to rework his wires, I assumed. Suddenly, the robot stood up without a sound. My heartbeat was erratic. I was surprised, but more or so worried. What's happening? You powered yourself back on for a few moments, before going back to your original dormant state.

After a while, the M. I. C. spoke up again. "Everyone, back to your desks. Where is the head coder? Good, get him over here." When nobody but the man needed moved, he shouted. "If none of you leave, you don't receive pay for a week, got it?" At that everyone, including me, walked away.


A little note here, in case it'll be confusing-

Androids/robots here can be programmed to imitate human emotions, how they do it though is determined by their eye colour. (which usually are only green and brown, like how Jisung said.)

They take on a random colour by themselves after programming, and the grey eyes they had (before programming) change into whatever colour so appeals. However, some robots who are purposely programmed to have no emotion (ex, mission robots in which personal feelings might get in the way) their eyes stay grey. Lee know is a bit different, as his program wasn't actually fully completed. (And you'll know why of that soon ;) )

I'm not very experienced with writing, so I apologise if things do not make sense :')

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