45 || Argue

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

"Minah, please," Jisung whines from behind my door, desperation in his voice. "Can we please just talk face-to-face?"

After I got home, my first instinct was to immediately sprint into my room and shut the door. Of course, Jisung followed me, but I was too caught up in the adrenaline of being upset to even care about locking out my best friend.

Terrible, I know, but my mind was to clouded at the time to care.

I wipe my eyes, pulling my blanket tight around my body. "No, Jisung. I'm never leaving my room again..."

"Please, please," I hear as Jisung plops to the floor. "I just want to have a conversation about... everything, y'know?" A few more sighs escape his lips, and just by hearing his voice I could tell his expression was troubled.

"I already told you, no," I sniff, walking over to the other side of my room. "And my answer won't change."

"...please, I just-"

"No...!" I slightly raise my voice, frustration bubbling up inside me as tears prick my eyes. "You don't understand, Jisung. I trusted that Minho would be okay!"

"It's not my fault he doesn't remember!" Jisung almost yells back, volume now matching mine.

"Of course, so it's my fault?" I ask, spitting back as I sit on my bed, curling my knees up to my chest. "Great, that makes me feel much better."

Jisung groans. "I never said that, Minah. Please, don't put words in my mouth."

I sniff. "I was told that Minho would be fine."

"You were told two things," Jisung starts, pacing around outside my room. "There were 2 possible outcomes, and Chan, Felix and I made sure you got the good one. Do you know that we had to completely compose a new human body from scratch to reduce the risk?"

"That still-"

"Okay, listen to me," Jisung interrupts, a slightly mad tone in his voice. "Minho had an almost perfect Android to human operation. Most people die on the operating table, and nobody knows until someone tries to wake them up. I don't know what happened when Felix and Chan did the memory transfer, but the fact that he didn't die is already astonishing."


I knew it might not work, but... that's extreme.

"I understand that you're upset. Just know that we all... we all tried our best. I don't know what else to say," his voice drains away, I hear his footsteps become fainter as well. "I'll see you later, Minah," he calls from my front door, before stepping out and closing the door behind him.


What just happened?

I bury my face in my hand, still unable to comprehend my surroundings.


Really messed up.


Chapter done, which means hollow knight weekend for me bois

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