40 || Wait

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

Soon a week passes, then two.

And I felt as if my brain was about to explode.

Jisung hunches over a large computer, cords extending from it attached to several different mechanical boxes. As he types away, his hands are almost blurred as he clicks buttons at an incredible speed, changing and adjusting code at a rapid pace.

We have been trying to figure out the percentage of the success rates for the android to human process, but the numbers haven't been so forgiving.

That, plus the factor that we're going to be checking the files later.

And with my laptop, I sit a few metres away, eyes gazing towards a lifeless Minho on a stand against the wall, power on such a low level he can't move. My chest tightens, biting my lip in worry. "Jisung, are you sure you're doing this preparation right? Shouldn't he be semi-conscious?"

After scanning through the storybooks of information, we've been finally managed to stabilise Minho's system.

But sadly, it still doesn't permanent his time.

Jisung immediately shakes his head, not looking up. "Trust me, Minah, I know what I'm doing. I read the android to human preparation guide dozens of times before this. I mean- at least three times."

My frown doesn't move at all, and I just scoot my chair closer to the android. "You're... sure?"

"100%," Jisung suddenly pushes away from the desk, letting out a long sigh. He wheels over to me, immediately wrapping his arms around me. He then pulls away, looking towards Minho. "Minah, this process will all be over soon. I'm almost done with the code as well. I swear-"

He's suddenly cut off by the door flinging open, as Felix bursts into the room, completely unaware of the atmosphere. "I have news!" He exclaims, breathless. "Minmin shall be reunited once again!!"

Jisung and I freeze, a confused look spreading over Jisung face. "We know. We've been working on the android to human code for hours now."

"Oh," Felix suddenly falters, hopping over to the computer. "Well- wait, mind if I power him on?"

Jisung simply shrugs. "Sure. I actually don't see why he wasn't on before."

"Sungie, you said it would make the overall process easier on him," I bring up a conversation we had hours ago, when we first entered this room. I quirk an eyebrow in confusion before letting out a gentle laugh, stopping abruptly upon seeing Minho's eyes fly open.

He gasps- though technically he doesn't have to breathe yet, or can breathe yet- immediately scanning the room. "Minah...!"

Your eyes land on me, and immediately I feel my nerves tense up, a sudden overwhelming feeling rising in my chest.

"Go on." Felix says, patting my shoulder. "Talk to him." He then walks away from me, going over to tap Jisung on the head.

"Come on squirrel boi, it's break time."

And after a brief exchange of words, with Jisung in the middle taking a few glances to check up on me, they stood up, walking out of the room.

"We'll come back later to check on you, okay?" Was all I heard from Felix as they disappeared by the corner.

"Okay...?" I wave, voice falling silent. Staring at the now empty doorway, I sigh, before feeling the familiar gaze behind me as I turned around.

Standing up, I gulp, gently taking a few strides forward.

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