21 || Café

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"Oh no," Chan mutters, shaking his head. "This can't be good."

Felix just smirks at the comment. "Who wants to go spy on Jisungs date with me? Chan? Come on, I know you want to."

"Well," Chan frowns, looking away. "I want to, but I actually have a work meeting soon. It's one of the cons of being a manager."

"Aww, okay... Minah?" Felix asks, pouting.

"Uhh... well..." I say, not sure if I really should. "I want to, too. A little, I mean. But is that really something we should do?"

Felix shrugs, grinning again. "Sure it is! If I was having a date, he'd definitely do the same. I'm pretty sure."

Well now, Felix, you aren't wrong at that part.

"But we don't even know the location." I say, trying to come up with a reason of why we probably shouldn't go. "As Jisung said, Hyunjin's choosing it."

"They're meeting at the bus stop." Felix say matter of factly, slipping on his shoes. "We can catch them in time if we run."

He then throws me a red scarf, and some accessory glasses. "Wear this, he won't recognise you."

"No no, Felix no." I sigh, watching the door open as he turns to me. "Do you know how dumb this sounds...?"

Somehow though, I find myself wrapping the scarf around my neck. "He'd realize it's us instantly," I place the accessory glasses on, as well as shoving my shoes on. "We've been friends for way too long. So we'll have to be careful he doesn't see us. When he does, it's game over."

Chan just sighs at us, shaking his head. "Kids these days..."

Felix smirks, as we finish getting ready and leave Jisung's house. "The bus stop is just at the next block. We should be able to make it without losing him."

"O-oh okay." I say, still not a hundred percent sure why I'm going along with this.

"I don't think anything eventful is going to happen, actually," Felix admits, breaking into a jog. "I've had to work with Hyunjin a bit before, and he was pretty quiet."

"Maybe it's just because he doesn't really know you," I say, trying to give Jisung's date the benefit of the doubt. "I'm sure he'll be much more bold around Jisung."

After a few more turns and light jogging, the bus stop appears before us as we walk under the small roof structure.

"Looks like we weren't late." Felix points to Jisung, who was standing there, patiently waiting for Hyunjin. He had earbuds in, gaze averted to the streets, looking as if was spacing out. "And there's no way he'll see us, if we get the right seats."

"I don't think he'll be ever seeing us." I say, hand reaching up to my face. "I mean, just look at all the people staring at him right now."

Many folks passed by us along the streets, all of them sparing their extra longing glances towards Jisung.

Girls were blushing, guys were glaring, as this boy was basically the center of attention. An abundance of looks were falling on him, the quiet murmur of background whispers from young woman leading into the rang of my hearing.

I wasn't surprised. It was the exact same thing during college.

Felix laughs, patting me on the back. "You did a good job with his makeup, congrats. That squirrel is hooking gals in left and right."

I let out a sigh.

If only they knew...

It's not long after we arrive at the station when the bus drives up, opening its doors for the small crowd of people to file in. I begin to walk forwards on instinct, only to feel Felix's hand on my shoulder keeping me back. "We should wait for him to board first. He'll sit by the back right?"

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