62 || Apology

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"Oh look, Hwamin, your house is right around the corner now. Aren't you excited?"

I softly mutter those words to myself as I see the familiar street signs appear in front of me, the soft glow of the lamps spelling out the names in sight. Slowly, I drag my feet across the ground as I turn a corner, my house becoming right in sight as I do so.

Begrudgingly, I approach the front steps, my footsteps becoming heavier and heavier with each second that passes. Dread was literally shaking in my heels, and I couldn't help but grow nervous.

It's okay Hwamin, you just messed up, that's all. Was what I was trying to tell myself for reassurance, even if it hadn't really proved to be working for calming me down.

Whatever happens, you'll be okay.


Just tell mom and Minho you're sorry.

I had already planned what I wanted to say as I walked back, but the hard part is actually being able to speak out my thoughts.

Walking up the small steps of the porch, I travel a little more to reach the door. My palms were literally shaking, but I knew this wasn't a time to call Jisung again. I said I would figure everything out by myself anyways.

I bring my hand up, and gently knock. The soft sounds emits once, then twice.

Come on Hwamin, you can do this.

But no sound had seem to come from the other side.

Seconds past, with not even a faint rhythmic tap of footsteps coming. A wave of regret forms a lump in my throat, and I try to swallow it down even as my body grows uneasy.

But right when I thought I had been shut out of my house for good, I hear a familiar voice struck somewhere around me.

"So, you're back early, huh?"

Slightly startled, I turned around. "H-huh...?" I question, a little shaken; only to recognise the voice was my moms.

Focusing my gaze a little more, I glance around me, only to see a silhouette leaned against the railing of the front porch. My mom was standing there, expression solemn with her arms crossed against her chest. A cigarette was perched between her lips, and we looked up to make eye contact.

Under any other circumstance, I would have been mad at her for smoking; but right now, seeing her like this was almost intimidating.

"H-hey, Mom." I gulp, averting my gaze as I try to speak. "I'm back."

She doesn't say anything, merely taking out the thing in her mouth to breathe out a puff of smoke. Seeing this low level of reaction, I began to tense up even more.

Just Apologise, Hwamin. You can do it.

Putting my nerves aside, I close my eyes. I take one step, than two. Facing my mom, I dip my head down, with everything then proceeding to come out in one long sentence.

"I'm sorry. For everything."

"Hwamin-"My mom speaks, but I cut her off.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." I began. "Things have just been hard, and I let my emotions bottle up too much. I shouldn't have kept the truth from you, even if I really did manage to handle it."

My words were brief and swift due to the nervousness, and I could feel myself shaking. "I was scared... you wouldn't accept my decisions. That once you knew the whole truth, I wouldn't be aloud... to be with Minho anymore."

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