68 || America - pt. 1

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

The wind brushes past my face as I step outside on to the street, the cold air drifting through my hair as I adjust my bag over my shoulders.

Hustling along the side walk, I walk past the stores, feet shuffling along to the side of road towards the stoplight. I halt, waiting for the light to turn green as I adjust the weight of my body between my tip-toes and my heel to pass time.

1... 2... 3... I count in my head, and soon I see the signal change colour.

Finding myself mindlessly looking to the sky as I cross the street, I take in a deep breath of fresh air, a slight hum in my footsteps as I reach the other side.

Things have changed so much when coming to America.

I could even remember the first few days, walking into my moms apartment for the first time ever. It felt surreal, to be so far away from home, away from my old life, even if it just for a little while.

Everything about my life style ever since coming here had taken on a twist— whether it's the change of my eating habits, the diversity between the standards of the two different places, or just finally finding a plausible excuse to sleep in the morning. In korea, everything seemed more crowded and busy, but not in the most compelling way; the best way to describe it, was it was packed full more of a steady paced action.

While in America, I had finally begin to feel a tiny bit more free. Maybe it was just the culture difference, but there were just somethings that I could do here I could have never imagine if I was living back home; and it invigorated me.

I take out my phone, along with some of the papers I had in my bag. After a few more minutes of walking, the buildings become more familiar as I begin to scan my eyes for my destination. Even the buildings where different here, the atmosphere once again a contrast I had to get used to.

"Let's see..." I mutter to myself, keeping a close eye to the gps on my phone as I continue searching. "Minah, you've been here enough, you should know your way."


Found it.

I open the door, a single bell chiming as I walk inside. The warmth tones of the nicely decorated store lit room welcomes me, familiar shelves combined with the faint waft of coffee drifting through the air. Gentle music plays from the speakers above, and I softly hum to myself as I make eye contact with the lady at the counter.

"Hello Minah." She smiles at me, and I politely return the grin as I make my way in. "Your mom called me earlier today, so don't worry. I know what you came for."

"Mhm, thank you miss" I nod, setting the papers down onto the counter as I sling off my bag. "I had a lot of fun working here, it was a nice place for a distraction."

"It was my pleasure for taking you in. You were a very hard worker, even at such a small part time job." She says, taking the pile of files. "Oh and for goodness sake, how many times do I have to tell you there's no need to call me miss. Use my actual name. And besides, do I really look that old?"

"Oh no no, of course not!" I exclaim. "I just thought it would be rude to call you Hyemin."

Kim Hyemin, a good friend of my mom's. As soon as in the first week of me settling down, she had come to visit before recommending me to work at her place. It was a super nice book store, filled with cute, comforting decoration and nice smelling candles,  warm and inviting. I found myself going almost everyday where I had free time, being naturally drawn to the peacefulness that came from spending my hours at the store.

Reading had soon become to be my main past time throughout the days, and I absolutely loved it here.

Sadly though, today would be my last day.

"Speaking of which," I began. "Miss— I mean, Hyemin. Where's Connor?"

Connor, to put it formally, was an android owned by Hyemin. Even though she didn't get him long before I arrived, there was never a moment where she didn't treat him just like her own son. He often helped around the store, and we frequently found ourselves spending time together.

And as soon as my words come out, I then hear a familiar voice emit from behind. "I'm sorry, did you call for me?"

I turned around to be greeted by a tall figure, brown hair and eyes with a slight smile on his face. "Hello Minah." Like me, he also had a bag swung around him, fluffy coat still snug around his body, looking as if he just walked in.

"Connor~" I smile as he pats my head. Feeling ambitious today, I clear my throat, and try my best to muster up a proper English sentence for once. "How are you?"

"I'm good, I went outside to grab a few things Hyemin needed." He says, and my eyes then trail to the bag in his hand. "But I heard today was your last day. Three months pass by quickly, don't they?"

I look towards Hyemin, who just lightly chuckles before helping me translate. "He's telling you that time sure flys by, doesn't it?"

It was weird, as despite Connor being able to understand my korean, he wasn't programmed to reply with it. Which leads to me being often confused, and us two often having to seek help with communication.

"Ohhhh," I say after understanding what he said. "They sure do." I sigh, walking over to mindlessly pick up a book from one of the tables. "It seems like yesterday when I just met you."

"Do you think we'll be able to spend some more time together before you go back?" He asks, looking towards me.

"Of course!" Putting the book down, I turn to him again. "But I have a meet up with a friend today, so maybe some other time this week. Speaking of which, I have to arrive there at 1:30." I check the clock. "I probably have to leave now."

"Ahhhh, okay. I shall see you then."

I turn to Hyemin. "I have to meet someone soon, so I'll bid my farewell now. It was absolutely great working here."

She merely flashes me her signature smile, before waving me off. "Go my dear, don't make your friends wait. It was a pleasure have you, Eunji has such a sweet daughter."

I chuckle, before giving one last wave to both of them as I open the store's door to step out. "Bye bye! I'll see you soon Connor!"

"Bye, Minah." And with one last wave, I step out into the streets again.



Yes I put in Connor from DBH cause he's precious and I don't regret it (And also to everyone that's played the game you can't tell yourself you didn't have a crush on Connor cause I will not believe 😔😔) I also wanted to include Androids into more of the surrounding environment of the story too, just because it makes sense that way LOL

This was actually just supposed to be one chapter, buttttt I'm lazy sO pArT 2 CoMiNg SoOn

Also I'm too lazy to write it in but yes Hwamin went with Minah as her English name ùwú

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