69 - Final: Flight back

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking as we are about to land at Seoul airport. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened, before preparing as we reach you to your final destination."

I watch as the plane slowly lands, making contact with the ground after hours of flight.

How long... have I anticipated for this moment?

After long months of waiting, doubt, and uncertainty; I hurriedly got out of the way for other people as they walked by, making my way through the familiar glass corridors. The pale colour of the building greets me, as I rush over to do my last few errands.

I hand the lady my passport, waiting for a moment as she checks it.

The hall of the airport is long and white, peppered with an occasional other person. I look all around, running my hand almost nervously through my hair as I get closer to the door.

As I do so though, I hear a short 'ding' emit from my coat. Taking out the familiar rectangular device, I see a notification from May. Immediately I swipe open the message, knowing that reading whatever she has to say will make me feel better.

"Goodluck, you can do this :D" It says, and I end up finding myself grinning.

Even with the time difference, she still managed to text me right after I landed.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to update." I type back, earning a thumbs up emoji in return.

She's right though, I can do this.

I take a short breath in, quickly moving back on my feet in excitement.

Minah, you'll be fine.

And deep down in my heart, I know I've been wanting for this moment to happen for a while now.

I finally step outside, my phone immediately vibrating in my pocket. I slightly smile, knowing who it is before I even pick up.


"Hey." The same warm voice of my best friend greets me. "Where are you right now?"

Sometimes I wonder how I even got to this point. A few months ago, I couldn't even imagine possibly liking my job; only taking the opportunity because it was a ray of hope for a new start, better or worse. If it wasn't for Jisung's encouragement, I've probably still held myself back in school.

"I'm still going through security." I reply. "You better be waiting for me, I want my welcome back hug."

No words can describe how grateful I am for him.

For always being with me, especially when I needed someone the most.

No matter how my opinion towards romantic feelings will change, the platonic love I have for this boy will never ever dissipate.

"Jisung." I say absentmindedly, unaware of the way my lips were curling up into a big smile.


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