33 || Caught

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

"Darn damn it."

Huffing, I trudged my way out of Chan's office as the door closes with a thud behind me. I had rushed to work in a complete mess, barging through the lobby in messy hair with barely done shoelaces.

Jisung, being the person that he was, had ended up last night setting the alarm to 8PM, instead of the usual AM of when we wake up.

Of course, if it wasn't for me being the early bird, or the fact that Chan was one of the nicest people on the planet, we would probably have had the biggest scolding of our working period yet.

"Oh, Jisung." I sigh to myself, hand raking through the tousled locks on my head, which probably could rival up for a scattered birds nest. I didn't even bother to properly get ready, merely throwing on some clothes and hastily brushing my teeth. After that, it was a literal blur of bus stops and sprinting.

Needless to say, this was the last I'm trusting the squirrel and early mornings.

In fact, I was in such a hurry that I completed forgot to peak into my office upon arriving. Lee know was probably waiting for me, as I groggily made my way down the halls of the building.

Reaching towards the familiar place I've known for too long, I open it, not bothering to glance inside.

"Lee Know...?" I call out to you, my mind barely functioning from all the sprinting all the way here. All the adrenaline of not being late has worn off, leaving me pretty much in a zombie like state.

When I didn't get a reply, I look up, only finding the missing of your presence.

"Ah...?" I tilt my head. "He's always in here..."

But before I could question it any further, I feel a pair of arms gently slither around my stomach. Someone pulls me in, my consciousness kicking into full gear again as I become wide awake.

"Looking for me?" They whisper, and from the voice immediately I could tell it was you. I feel myself blush, shoulders tensing up as I felt the soft sensation of your lips on my forehead.

You've become so much more affectionate, and it's hard to get used to.

"Chan called me this morning." You said, burying your face into my neck. "I had to power on and help him move some stuff for a new recruit. Apparently it's Jisungs job to look after him for the time being."

"R-right." I say, but I was more focused on the sound of your voice.

"Where were you?" I feel him shift from behind me. "It's not like you to be late."

I only shake my head. "The squirrel forgot to set an alarm."

I sigh, dropping my head as if in defeat. "I've almost never been late before."

"Well, at least you're here now." He smiles, hugging me closer. "I've waited all morning for you~"

I feel myself growing even more embarrassed than before, heart melting from his sweet words.

Lee know, you know what you're doing to me, right?

"I-I've got work to do now." I say, wriggling myself out his arms. "I was already late this morning. I wouldn't want overdue prints to add on the load."

You only look at me, an amused look on your face with a slightly fainted grin.

"Alright. But I'll be here."

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