53 || Dinner

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

I swiftly knock on Jisung's front door, aching from the amount of groceries I was holding. But when I look to my side, and see my mom carrying at least double the amount I am, my arms suddenly feel even worse.

And finally, Jisung runs up to the door, quickly opening it upon looking out the window. "Wow, this is a lot of stuff, you guys. Are you sure we need this much?"

"Well, just count it as extra for you to actually cook stuff later," I smile, setting the groceries down. My mom does as well, walking further into the house, as Jisung and I start putting groceries away.

"Hey." Jisung says, hand out stretching to gently flick my forehead. "Your hoe is in the kitchen, wanna go see him?"

"Hey, quit it with the teasing." I pout, grabbing some of the bags off the floor after I take my shoes off. "Let's put these away first, I have something to give you."

The squirrel boy tilts his head, but doesn't question it further. "Alright then. We can set all this in the kitchen, and once Hyunjin comes we can start cooking."

"Ye." I reply, slipping my extra bag off and hanging it to the side.

However, not long after we start-

"SEOHWA!" My mom shrieks, another shriek coming soon after. "It's been so long!"

"Oh my god, Eunji! Is it really you?" Jisung's mom- or, as my mom calls her, Seohwa, yell-asks.

I hear another set of laughter. "Well, who else would it be?!"

Jisung and I chuckle, leaving the best-friend reunion to head over to the living room. Taking a couple bags of food both in our hands, we quickly shuffle out of the hall way entrance.

In the kitchen, we just so happen to run into someone else, sitting at the table.

"Oh, hi!" Minho says.

"Hey, Minho," Jisung quickly says back. "Seems like you cleared the table?"

"Yep, everything is done," he begans. "I just put all your dirty dishes in the sink, over there."

"Yep, thanks, I'll clean those later." He shrugs, putting the last of the heavy grocery bags on the ground. "Anyways, you can hang around for while until we actually cook, just don't touch the stove."

"Okay." The male then shrugs, continuing to absentmindedly play with his fingers. "Tell me when you guys are good."

"Yep." Jisung says, before then turning to me. "Anyways." He grabs my hand, pulling me aside and out of the room Minho is in.

"Huh?" I tilt my head. Letting the boy drag me aside as we head for the entrance hallway again.

"Soooooooooo." Once out of anybody's hearing range, the boy peers at me rather curiously. "You said you needed to give me something?"

"Oh, uhm-" I pause. "It's..."

I peer over to my bag sitting at the side, walking over and bending down. Opening the flap, I carefully take out the item as I hide it behind my back.

"Take out your hands."

The boy merely complies, arms outstretching before I carefully set the thing down. Upon my actions, the boy's eyes widen. "Hey Min, isn't this-"

"Yes." I turn my head away from Jisung, hands nervously fiddling with the hem of my hoodie as I gulp. My eyes were now trained on the floor, away from the painting of the flower I have just gave him.

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