36 || Kidnap

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

I let out a laugh as I turn the corner of the street, Jisung smiling proudly. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is unfortunately the end of my incredible comedy act."

"The end? Why?" I ask, still smiling.

"Because," he says, taking a bite of the cookie in his hand. "Hell looms beyond."

I pause, slightly startled by the bold claim. "Jisung?"

He stops in his tracks as I followed suit, pointing upward. "The office is right here."

Blinking a few times as I glance up, I find the familiar building standing tall before us. I sigh, nodding as we step inside. "Sungie, that was a little-"


A voice I know all too well calls forth, I spinning my head towards your figure; which was casually leaning against the side of one of the walls of the lobby.

"Ah, Minho?" I chirp, seeing you begin to walk towards me.

"You're finally here. Hi, Jisung."

"Hey, Lee Know," Jisung begins. "What are you doing outside the office? Don't you and Minah usually meet there?" He inquires, tilting his head the slightest bit.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders, the slight warmth of you pressing behind me making me feel squirmish. "Hey, is there something wrong with me wanting to see her sooner?" He asks, a small side smirk showing as I feel the apples of my cheeks becoming a dark peach colour.

Jisung giggles, and I knew from the amused smile on his face, he's definitely enjoying the scene in front of him."Well, I guess you have a point there." He takes one last bite of his cookie, grabbing out his phone to check the time.

"Oof, I'd love to watch you two being cute and all, but Chan and Yonghwa are probably waiting for me." He sighs, glancing up towards us again; in which I tilt my head to his words.

"Hasn't Yonghwa finished with his training?" I question. "I don't remember that you two were in the same department."

He merely shrugs. "Something came up I guess, Chan told me that he's kind of putting him under watch."

"Really? For what?"

"No idea."

"Actually," Minho adds. "I decided to come here because Yonghwa was going door to door in our hallway."

"Really? What was he saying?" Jisung asks, a frown then overtaking my flustered smile.

"Well, nothing much," Minho admits, his hand moving through his hair. "Just asking for some supplies. I didn't really wanna talk to him, though."

Isn't his office right next to the supply closet? As I think, my frown only deepens.

Just then, Jisungs phone starts buzzing, Minho and I glancing over to see him answer.

"Hello? Chan? What do you need?"

After a few exchanges of words and sentences I couldn't make coherence of, I watched as Jisung sighs as he half-heartedly puts his phone away.

"I have to go," He says, adjusting the backpack on his shoulder. "Chan says he has to sort out some things with me."

"Ahhh," I pause. "I'll see you later then?"

Jisung smiles. "Yeah, I'll see you two later, bye bye!"

And with that, he takes off, leaving us two standing idly in the lobby.

"Okay, well,  I suggest, taking Minho's hand. "Let's just go to the office.."

He smiles, starting to walk down the hall. "You're right. Our area isn't even that big, anyway."

I smile as well, slowly becoming more and more comfortable. "You're right. Let's just forget about Yonghwa for now, alright?"

Minho grins, about to answer, however he suddenly goes stiff. "Minah, he's still there. Just... walking around."

"We can walk past him. He'll barely notice us," I take the lead, striding quickly down the hall with Minho trailing behind me. "See? We're already here-"


I flinch, my hand resting limply on the door handle. I turn around, already accepting my fate. "Oh, hi, Yonghwa. I didn't see you..."

"That's okay!" Yonghwa exclaims, completely disregarding all the signs that I didn't really want to talk with him. "You know why? Because I saw you! And I have a quick question to ask."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Can you follow me for a quick second?" The moment the words leave his mouth, Minho tenses up, squeezing my hand. "I lost the key to the storage room a while ago, and I've already bothered Jisung about it way too much, so do you mind unlocking it for me?"

"Uhm- well, what do you need? I probably have it in my office," I tell him, not really wanting to go on a big journey. "I can just give you some stuff from there."

"I need some giant sheets of paper," Yonghwa says, making the shape of them with his hands. "And I'm pretty sure they only have the really big pieces in the storage room, right?"

I try to hide my sigh, taking my hand off the door knob and clenching it slightly at my side. "Yeah, you're right. We'll go to the storage room."

"Yay!! Thank you Minah!" He quickly moves in to hug me, but Minho stops him.

"I'll go, too."

Yonghwa pauses, looking up at Minho for a solid 5 seconds. "Yeah, got it! It'd be great to have you come too, Lee Know!"

We start walking, Minho's grip on my hand much tighter than before. I turn to look at you, trying to read his expression, but it's completely blank.

Like the day I first saw you.

As we walk, I can't help but notice Yonghwa, as he transforms from being weirdly excited to.. weirdly still, and quiet.

"Here we are," Yonghwa announces, turning around. I look around the area, confused for a moment.

"Oh, I thought you meant the storage area by your office," I admit, walking forward. Minho, of course, walks with me. I quickly unlock it, pushing the door open.

I see another figure inside, the volunteer tag on their shirt catching the light of the room. We walk in, as I look around. "I've actually never been to this storage room. I always thought it was pretty inconvenient."

After a few more moments of looking around, Minho speaks up. "Is that the paper you were talking about-"

A small click echoes throughout the room, sending chills down my spine.

"Ah, it's just the door-"

With another buzz, the lights flicker off, making me yelp.

I reach for Minho, but to no avail.

My heart races, endlessly pounding against my chest, as a rag is shoved towards my face, hands grabbing my arms.

Before I can even react, my consciousness slowly begins dripping away, throwing me into a dark, cold abyss.

A/N: oH nO

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