50 || Confusion

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

The door creaks open as I step foot down into my office, hoping to swallow down all the anxiety left in me as I gulped.

After helping my mom settle down to the house yesterday, it had already reached super late at night. Jisung couldn't stay after dropping us off, so it was basically up to me to do all the heavy loading and lifting. Fortunately, mom didn't have too much stuff, but it was only by the time we finished unpacking everything that I realised I had work tomorrow.

So there I was, half asleep, the dark circles prominent around my eyes as I begrudgingly make my way inside.

Minah, you're okay, everything's fine. Is what I tell myself as my feet slowly dragged themselves across the floor warily, my gaze falling towards the ground in front of me.

Minho isn't mad, you're fine. You'll just apologise when you see him throughout the day, right?

Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine.

Everything is fine-

"Good morning, Hwamin." Minho greets me, coming out of complete nowhere. "Uhm, may I ask why you're banging your head against the wall?"

Startled by the sudden noise, my nerves shoot up into full trigger as I immediately let out a yelp of surprise. "WAH-" I jumped backwards, away from the male in front of me and the door that I was subconsciously abusing.

I completely forgot we shared the same office.

"Woah, miss-" Minho steps back, eyes widening. "Are you okay?"

But in that moment, I wasn't really paying attention to his voice.

Because unfortunately, being in a cluttered office means to not have a lot of space for movement.

My feet messily try to regain footing, only to fumble as I feel the bottom of my shoe slip under a piece of paper. Out of instinct, I close my eyes shut, ready to brace the harsh impact of my back hitting the floor.

But before I could feel any sort of pain, a warm sensation was then wrapped around my waist. The next thing I know, I was being pulled up from my falling position, my feet regaining their ability to stand as I feel a hand at the back of my head. It lightly inches me forward from the pressure, I finding my face buried into someone's shoulder as my arms wrap around their torso.

It didn't take long for me to fine out who it was, because it wasn't long before Minho speaks up, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "Watch your step there, Hwamin. I know it's a bit less roomy in here now, but be careful."

"Ah..." I mumble, feeling myself blush at his touch around me. "Sorry..."

"It's okay." He giggles, hand reaching up to pat my head. "I wasn't expecting you to make such an entrance like that."

"Yeah." I quiet peep, all of a suddenly feeling very embarrassed.

I just tripped and fell while mentally telling myself I wasn't gonna mess up when I'm with Minho again.

What a great start to my morning.

I then start subconsciously trying to move towards my desk, the thing I always do to recover from a slightly embarrassing situation. But as my feet shuffled, I feel my body resist, as I stay there, unable to move.

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