41 || Mischeif

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«—————— « ⋅∘◦ ❈ ◦∘⋅ » ——————»

"And so now we present...."

I stare as I see Jisung standing in front of me, random clatters of kitchen pots on his head followed by a massive sprawl of pillows scattered around the living room floor.

"The ultimate... the mighty..."

"Jisung the Jisungator!!! King of squirrels, attacker of all the pillows in the land!"

Without any other warnings, he jumps towards the pillows, picking each one up and bashing it against the ground in reckless abandon. I let out a warm laugh as I watch the sight, trying my best to ignore the weight on my shoulders. Jisung is trying his best, too- his best to distract me from having too many thoughts about work.

Suddenly, he flings the pots off his head, throwing them onto the pillows, before flopping down on his couch as he lets out a huff of air. I quickly get up from my spot on the floor to sit beside him, sitting cross-legged on a cushion.

"Wow, Jisung. Impressive," I grin, as he mutters an array of 'thank you's, and pretends to bow while sitting down. "No, I'm surprised you even wash your dishes enough for there to be more than one pot to wear on your head."

"H-Hey!" He suddenly sits up, pretending to look offended. "I do my housework, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah." I giggle, standing up to pick up one of the pots off the ground. "And also, are we gonna be just crashing your living room? You brought out all these pillows and it'll be a hassle to clean them up tonight."

"Whatever you want, I don't really care." Jisung springs up from his seat as well, bouncing over to one of his work bags he had tossed in the corner. He took out his phone, the screen then illuminating after he clicks the side button.

7:05, the digital phone reads.

"Hey, Minah?" The boy turns to me, in which I hum in reply. "It's around the time to be eating dinner. Do you want me to make some ramen or whatever?" He asks, setting the device down on a random shelf display by the wall.

"Wellllll..." I plopped myself down onto the couch again, gently shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah, food sounds nice right now."

Jisung grins, flinging a cupboard open and grabbing the pack of ramen, without even looking away from where I'm seated. "Just so you know, I make the best instant ramen to ever exist, so prepare to be mind blown."

Just like that, he gets to cooking, starting to boil the water.

I smile, making myself more comfortable. "I'm sure you do, Jisung. I'm sure you do."

I grab a blanket, wrapping it around myself, before Jisung and I both hear a tune being emitted from a shelf.

"Is that yours or mine?" Jisung asks from the kitchen, unable to step away from the bot as it nearly boils over. "Can you get it anyways?"

"It's yours," I bounce over to the shelf, picking up the phone and reading the name of the caller.

However, I was met with a long string of numbers, surely a phone number. "Hey, I think it's just some marketing thing. Still want me to answer?"

Jisung shrugs, adding more and more random things into the pot. "Why not? Hey, maybe we can have some fun with it if it is."

I shrug as well, pressing the phone to my ear as I accept the call. "Hello?" I ask, sitting back down. "Who's this?"

"It's Hyunjin- and, I'm sorry, this must be the wrong number. You don't sound like Jisung, at least," The caller says, sounding slightly embarrassed. I immediately gasp though, a smirk spreading across my face.

"No, it's fine! This is Jisung's phone, it's Hwamin, though," I tell the boy, causing Jisung to look over to me in suspicion. "Jisung's in the room as well. Want me to put it on speaker?"

"Sure," Both Jisung and Hyunjin say at the same time, each boy unaware of who I was talking to.

With one click of a button and a simple sentence, I reduce Jisung to a puddle of embarrassment on the floor. "Hyunjin, say 'hi'," I tell him, smiling as I watch Jisung's panic.

"Hi?" Hyunjin mutters confused. "Jisung, you are there, right? My mom made some cookies, and I was just wondering if you wanted some."

"Yep," he barely peeps, just loud enough for the phone to hear. "Thanks for the offer, I'm at my house right now. And hey-" a break of nervous laughter comes from Jisung, as he grins awkwardly. "-you should come here too! Ahaha.. ha?"

I stare at the squirrel boy by the stove top, his face already a flustered mess as I let out a chuckle.

Hyunjin gasps, and I can tell by the silence that follows him that's he's nodding as well. "Sure! I'll Be There in 15 minutes. See you guys."

"Byeee," I say, to which Jisung follows up with a quick 'bye', as well. The next moment, Hyunjin has hung up, and Jisung pours our ramen into one big bowl, running over to the couch.

He takes in a deep breath, placing the bowl down. "MinahWhyTheHeckerooniWouldYouDo

"Hey," I giggle, taking a bite of the food. "You told me to just go ahead and call back. As far as I'm concerned, it's your fault~."

He gurgles some more inhuman noises, before eventually just eating in silence.

I eat as well, smiling to myself, way too pleased about the whole situation.

And it's not long after I started eating when the door rings, and I jump up to answer it.

I grab the door handle, nearly throwing it open.

There Hyunjin stands, bag of cookies in hand, beaming. "Hi, Hwamin. Hey, Jisung. I have the cookies."

Jisung quickly runs up to the door as well, pushing me out of the way. I dodge his hit, however, as I make my way over to the kitchen instead.

Jisung's mouth moves rapidly, but I can't hear a word. It's only when Hyunjin breaks out into laughter when the two of them decided to come over to the kitchen table as well, Hyunjin opening the bag of sweets.

"Thanks, Hyunjin," I say, as I take a chocolate chip one, biting into it right away. "Ah, this is really good! Did your mom make these by herself?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I bought the flour," Hyunjin grins, as Jisung and I laugh. "But, yeah. She used to run a bakery somewhere in town, but she sold it a few years ago.."

"Oh, wow," Jisung gasps in awe. "I didn't know that!"

"Hey, we've only known each other for a few months," Hyunjin grins, just looking at Jisung.

"Cute~" I sing song softly, enjoying the embarrassing expressions on Jisung's face. I giggle looking at the two, sitting back in my chair as I let out a half-laugh, half sigh.

It oddly feels nice, finally being the one to watch a relationship unfold across their best friend.

And this is probably how Jisung feels between Minho and I too.

I smile to myself.

So I guess today, I'll be the third wheel.


Welp, this was supposed to be posted on Halloween, but I got high on candy soooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Trick or treating was fun, even though Canadian weather hates me and decides to start pouring in the middle of my candy collecting ;_;

Hope you enjoy this little fluffy Hyunsung chapter, AL will be most likely off hold soon :]

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