14 || Rain

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Lee know's P

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Lee know's P.O.V (first person)


Running outside, I stand by myself; letting the rain slowly pour over me, the thundering needles piercing as they land on my body.

I sigh, looking out towards the cars flashing by across the road.

"I'm just... another programmed piece of  nothing, huh?" I say, words coming out in a half-laugh, half-scoff.

"I was made to be fear, to be disgusted."

"But that's okay." I say, the harsh words coming out, as I took in the bitterness of this reality.

"Because, in the end, no matter what people say, I can't feel it. Right?"

Gritting my teeth, I punch the nearest lamp post beside me; letting out a frustrated scream.

Am I really just, nothing but metal?

A tool? something to be merely thrown away after its use?

What even am I?

Why couldn't I be like everyone else?



All was silent, as I felt like everything had stopped around me.

"I... I..."

I wanted to explode, to let the world take me away, to disappear with the rain.

Nothing mattered anymore.

Or it's what I thought.

Because that's when suddenly, I heard the calling of my name from a distance

"Lee know!"

I paused.

Standing up straight, my eyes slowly found yours as I noticed the absence of raindrops on my head.

You were standing there, a light blue umbrella in your hand, as you held it above my head. The pitter patter of the raindrops echoed under me, the melancholic sounds mingling together with your shaky breathing.

The umbrella was only big enough for one, and I so happened to take that spot.

"Mi-Minah?" My eyes widen, taken aback by your sudden presence.

"Yeah, it's me." You smile, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. "You had me worried, you know that?"

Looking back at this situation, I still find it funny.

You were standing there, body shivering violently as the rain slowly engulfed you into its icy embrace, drenching you rapidly. You kept sneezing, face so pale that at any moment I thought you were going to faint.

And yet, you pushed the umbrella towards my hands, as if everything was alright, that you were perfectly fine.

You look at me, the smile never fading from your face.

"You're getting drenched." You peep out, not realising how weak and fragile your voice was due to the loud echos of the rain. "The incident back there has been solved, so you don't have to let it bother you anymore, okay?"


Without another word, I took a step towards you, and took you in my arms.

It was a soft hug, one of my arms around your head, one draped around your waist, so light that it's almost that not there.


What am I feeling?

My arms around you tighten, and yet you don't say anything, merely resting your chin on my shoulder as your arms come around to gently pat my back, as if to comfort me.

My breath hitches, confusion and doubt engulfing me.

I shouldn't be feeling anything.

As back then, I made a vow to myself.

To never fall, to never play victim again to the cruel happenings of reality.

But now,

as I look back-

I wished I looked a little closer.

Maybe, if back then, If I let myself peek through and escape the the barrier that was my program, to just merely take a glimpse-

I could have realised it earlier.

The soft hitch of your voice when I hugged you, the ways your eyes turned shy as you tried to hide the peach sheen that effused from your cheeks.

As on that day-

It was the first awakening, the small blooming of our hearts-

In that I began to fall for you.


A/N: Day6 songs + rainy day = this chapter :,]

I had no idea of in what person perspective should I write in so forgive me oof

the blue umbrella is Jisung's, by the way :]

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