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Damien's POV

"You'll never find out." A voice came out from behind us. We all five turned around to see the trio standing there. "Why?" I asked. "She doesn't let anyone in except her family, the school bullies her but that doesn't effect her. Some people believe her parents are very powerful and are the trustees of school that's why she has a parking lot."Luke said and another guy's whispered something in his ear and they stopped talking about her.

"Who are you people?" Sarah asked. "Oh sorry, I'm Luke, this is Ray and that's Gray. By now you have figured out that they are twins." Luke pointed to one by one. "And who were the girls?" Aiden asked. "As you have already heard the one with red hair and green eyes is Rose, the one with blonde hair and hazel eyes is Angel and the first girl is Ashley." Ray explained and we nodded. "We are populars and they are nerds but we three don't bully them but when someone does we just laugh."  For the first Gray said something. "You guys seem good so would like to join us at lunch, we can be friends?" Lisa asked them. "Yeah no problem, I get bored sitting with the jocks." Ray grinned.

"So let's go we are already late and let us introduce you to the school." Luke offered.

That's how our day went until lunch.
We decided to meet at my locker and then we eight will go to lunch together. "Hey Dam, you ready to bang the lunch?" Aiden asked only he can be that weird. "Let's go!" The trio said. Then we walked through the hallway and entered the cafeteria. Girls were fixing their dress and boys were glaring at us. We took lunch and sat at a table that Luke told us to. They even got the seats that have a clear view to another empty table.

We were talking when Ashley came in followed by Rose and Angel. Ashley raised one of her eyebrows at Luke and he said "You can only know what's inside of a frog if you cut it and look inside with open eyes." She just laughed at him and shake her head and then suddenly she looked towards me and masked her emotions. Then she walked away with her friends, took lunch and sat at the empty table beside us. The trio were smiling at them until Rose glared at them. "What was that?"  Sarah asked. As soon as she asked the boys whipped their heads towards us with wide eyes and looked towards each other.

Then we heard a scream from the table beside us. Some people laughed and some looked serious including the trio. The girls had food dripping from their head to their clothes. "You know what one day these sluts will regret doing all bullying to them, so please calm down and you very well know that this doesn't effect the girls." Ray was consoling Luke who looked like he's about to murder someone. Then Luke looked towards the girls, Ashley gave him a pleading look. This seemed to calm him. Three of their knuckles had turned white from gripping that table so hard. Next the girls leaves without saying another word but not before giving them (the trio boys) a look.

"What the fuck just happened?" Kyle asked. "Oh it's nothing, maybe Bianca and her minions had a bad day so they did this. It's quite normal. Leave it and tell us about yourselves." Luke said. Then we talked about ourselves obviously leaving out the gang part.

"Before moving in we heard about a gang in Cali and the leader's name is AD so any idea about who that person is?" They were wide eyed and gulped. "Y-you sh-should not be ta-talking about them. People say th-they have e-eyes and ears eve-everywhere" Ray said while stuttering. Suddenly Gray's phone started ringing, the name of the contact seemed important because he turned the phone towards the other two boys. "Hello....WTF... Does she know?....Ok I will tell her." The three of them were tensed. Gray hung up and said three letters for which they jumped and started walking increasing their pace. "U.I.F."

"What the fuck just happened?" Kyle again asked. We all shrugged and started eating. "What are they hiding?" I questioned to them.

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