Damn she's hot

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Damien's POV

I don't know what came over me that I acted like this. I don't even remember why I went there but as soon as I saw her I approached towards her. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I never play with an innocent.

I can still feel how she felt under my hands and that's killing me because I don't know what this is. She's beautiful and damn she's hot but she seems not to like me. I mean who doesn't like me? Oh yeah her. That's new. I expected her to fall for me at the first second but no she asked me to leave.

Her nervousness turned into anger and she pushed me with such a force that I didn't think she could have. Me getting surprised would be an understatement. Somehow her voice sounded familiar.

Suddenly the bell rang bringing me back to the reality. I shook my head at the thoughts of Ashley. I already have AD to deal with which is a huge headache, I can't bring this poor girl into my violent life.

I went towards the locker to get ready for next class and chatting with my gang. Then I saw her laughing with her friends and all thoughts of not bringing her into my life just flew out of my head. As if she felt someone staring at her she turned around to see me. She looked cute with confusion written all over her face and that made me give a smile. She raised her one eyebrow at me but slowly turned around when I didn't say anything.

"Why are you watching her like a creep, dumbass? Does our little Damien like the nerd?" Lisa asked with the last part in a baby voice making everyone laugh. I glared at them which made them laugh more loudly gaining everyone's attention. "Enough with all this laughing, let's go to the class." I said with finality.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°lunch time °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

My gang and the trio boys were sitting by the table at the cafeteria. When  Angel, Rose and Ashley came to our table and sat at the empty spots except Rose who sat on Luke's lap.

Me and my gang were really confused when all six of them started gossiping like they know each other very well. Laughing and teasing each other.

"Brothers,  mom said to go home today for something like cleaning our messed up rooms." Angel said and Gray and Ray answered with 'fine' and 'ok'. "Wait brothers?" Aiden asked confusedly.

They snapped their towards us. "Is that a problem?" Gray asked coldly, he seemed like a bipolar with sudden mood swings.
"No bro, just confused since you guys didn't mention having sisters."

"Yeah, well Angel is our sister those two are her nerdy friends." Ray said laughing earning a glare from Ashley.

I found myself again staring at Ashley. She was laughing at something Rose was saying. This is the first time me seeing her this side, the happy side. Her friends makes her happy.

Then like as every good things come to an end we heard the sound of heels clacking on the floor. Ashley muttered a low "not again" which made me laugh at her frustration.

"Look who the nerds are sitting with!" Bianca shouted making the canteen go silent.

Angel stood making everyone's eyes on her. "We are sitting at the table where you don't belong." This made Bianca angry.

"You're a bitch!" Gray and Ray were about to burst anytime soon.

"What did you just say to me?" Angel asked. "I called you a bitch." Bianca smirked.

"Well right bitches do what they are told." If only Bianca could get more angry the whole canteen started laughing. Gotta be honest that was a great come back. Bianca left the canteen stomping like a little child with her minions.
Ashley and Rose gave a high five to Angel and everything went back to normal.

Or so I thought.

A/N :


I think this whole quarantine made me publish this chapter to make y'all enjoy.

I know this is a short chapter but I'm soon gonna post a new one!

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